Data Visualization Developer position available

By Team eBird 19 Oct 2020

Lesser Yellowlegs © Ryan Merrill / Macaulay Library | eBird Status and Trends

The Center for Avian Population Studies (CAPS) at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology is currently seeking a Data Visualization Developer. This position will work with our team to create dynamic, interactive visualizations using eBird data for a wide variety of audiences. Scientists at CAPS combine eBird observations with habitat information from satellites to produce high-resolution predictions of bird occurrence, abundance, and trends known as eBird Status and Trends. Communicating these outputs to a broad audience is essential, so that they can be used to help inform conservation decision making and resource management.

The Data Visualization Developer will collaborate with a broad team of scientists, statisticians, designers, and developers to transform static ideas into engaging maps, graphs, and other novel visualizations that appeal to audiences from science experts to the general public. If you enjoy using Javascript and other tools to tell compelling visual stories with data, especially in a web-based environment, this opportunity may be for you! Apply by 12 November.

View full position description and apply here.