Contribute to the Birds of North America!

By Team eBird 28 Nov 2016

Northern Shrike by Tony Varela/Macaulay Library

The updated and re-designed Birds of North America (BNA) was introduced in September, bringing a fresh look and feel as well as new resources to the classic BNA. The BNA species accounts represent the most authoritative natural history resource for North America’s breeding birds, used by thousands of birders and researchers around the world. With completion of the transition to the new BNA, we are now now working to revise many individual species accounts, which includes a search for new photos, videos and audio selections. At eBird, we continue to encourage our users to contribute high quality rich media for all species, and this is a fantastic chance for your photos to be used as the emblematic image for the species. Your reward? A free 1-year subscription to BNA, and the excitement of having thousands of people viewing your images.

Next account revisions include:

Red-headed Woodpecker
Aplomado Falcon

Juniper Titmouse

Eastern Screech-Owl

Northern Shrike

Cliff Swallow

Next gallery updates include:
Canada Goose
Cackling Goose
Greater White-fronted Goose
Mute Swan
Trumpeter Swan
Tundra Swan
Laysan Duck
Wood Duck
American Wigeon
Northern Hawk Owl
Oak Titmouse
Western Kingbird

We will only select the highest quality images for BNA—not only those that focus on plumage details, age/sex differences, and subspecies, but also images that showcase various natural history aspects for each species. To contribute your photos to BNA, submit a checklist to eBird (this provides the basic metadata we need) and then upload your photos. For this purpose, we recommend submitting JPG files that are at least 2500 pixels on the long edge (bigger is fine), cropped at a 5×3 aspect ratio. Because photographers are attributed wherever their photos are used, we ask that you please do not watermark the images.

Thanks for participating in this effort and if your photo happens to be chosen for use on the species Home Page, we will provide you with a free 1-year BNA subscription!