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Portage Park
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eBird in Portage Park
eBirding This Year 2024
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Native and Naturalized (5)
Recent Checklists
Checklists submitted within the last hour are not shown.- Date:Observer: Rush EvansLocation: Portage Park Door Wisconsin
- Date:Observer: Candace EvansLocation: Portage Park Door Wisconsin
- Date:Observer: Rush EvansLocation: Portage Park Door Wisconsin
- Date:Observer: Candace EvansLocation: Portage Park Door Wisconsin
- Date:Observer: Rush EvansLocation: Portage Park Door Wisconsin
This Year, 2024Updated ~1 second ago
Checklist Leaders
- 1.Candace Evans110
- 2.Rush Evans106
- 3.Dan Scheiman10
- 4.Magill Weber2
- 5.Samantha Scheiman1
- 5.Dave Bowman1
- 5.Margaret Brasser1
- 5.Mike Ellery1
- 5.Kyle Hawley1
- 5.Eric Howe1
Species Leaders
- 1.Candace Evans149
- 2.Rush Evans148
- 3.Magill Weber36
- 3.Dan Scheiman36
- 5.Kyle Hawley10
- 5.Mark Korducki10
- 7.Ruth Smith9
- 7.Ted Uhlemann9
- 9.Amanda Matzke8
- 10.Samantha Scheiman7