成鳥オス © Evan Lipton eBird S29730553 Macaulay Library ML 28948631
メス © Martina Nordstrand
オスの未成鳥 © Yves Gauthier (Mtl)
メス © Paul Tavares
メス © Ryan Schain
+ 4
メス © Michael Todd
成鳥オス © Jay McGowan
オスの未成鳥 © Taylor Long

ハゴロモムシクイ Setophaga ruticilla




Adult males are striking and distinctive: mostly glossy black with bright orange flashes on the wings, tail, and sides. Females and young males are duller gray and olive with yellow patches instead of orange. Habitually flicks and fans tail while foraging for insects. Breeds in mature deciduous forests, often near water. Migrants can be found in any wooded habitat. Fairly extensive winter range throughout most of Middle America, the Caribbean, and northern South America. Song is extremely variable.