Checklist S96889526

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Location weg naar westpunt, daniel

Additional details


Owner Curaçao Footprint Foundation


Protocol:  Incidental
  • Observers:  1


  1. Number observed:  1


    Jerke Knopert, he himself not a birder yet, sighted 1 dead individual along the road while walking there. he did not take any pictures and only took home the head. a few days later checking out a curacao bird guide at a colleague's place he recognized the bird and realized he had sighted a very rare bird for curacao. a bird species never registered on curacao and only once at it's sister island bonaire in October 1981. his colleague contacted the curacao footprint foundation and rob wellens contacted Jerke Knopert for more information about his sighting. the head showed a possible gray-capped cuckoo which was confirmed by Jerke Knopert's information that the rest of the body which was at the time still in reasonable good shape had the same orange-brown color as the neck. only the head was gray. he could not recall the color of the tail, but could give the exact location where he found this individual. 1 week after his finding rob wellens went to this location. he only found some feathers in bad shape clustered together which looked like they might be remains of this individual.


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