Checklist S79104224

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Main Details

Location Belilina caves

Additional Details


Owner Denis Parkes


Protocol:  Incidental
  • Observers:  1


  1. Number observed:  2


    Fantastic birds. First one was really close. It flew up directly underneath me giving great view and I thought it was gone only for it to return and provide even better views. Landed on branch just above my head. and then it flew off again

  2. Number observed:  2


    Superb birds! Really good. In the fruiting tree. Difficult to observe but some great views at least of females. Normal.

  3. Number observed:  2


    Frustratingly brief. These big swifts came swooping in and I focused on one to see bright white underneath ventral area, but they were quickly gone and I never saw them again - nor indeed the species again on the rest of the trip. Normal, Lifer.

  4. Number observed:  100
  5. Number observed:  1
  6. Number observed:  1


    In the fruiting tree and superb views

  7. Number observed:  10


    Lovely views. Lovely birds

  8. Number observed:  4
  9. Number observed:  1


    Another flameback and very good close view but only briefly. On the reedy/grassy approach to stoney path

  10. Number observed:  1


    Bingo! Great to see this bird and I knew it was one before I even binned it. From the 'main' (ha ha) road looking down in to the small village there were a handful of very tall straight fruit trees like pineapple trees (papaya?) and it was on the bare part of the tree near the top. Stonking view and I managed to get the scope on it very briefly before it dropped down never to be seen again. The tree was in a garden and I suspect that my tapes had actually lured the bird from the forest behind where i did get some playback later. Brilliant bird. Normal, Lifer.

  11. Number observed:  3


    These turned out to be the only perched views I got of this species, but they were bloody good! Perched in tree in garden next to road. Not too distant and I scoped them. I got confused with Plumheaded at first but no, these were clear Layards and lovely birds too. Normal, Lifer.

  12. Number observed:  X
  13. Number observed:  15


    Great bird

  14. Number observed:  1


    Absolutely blitzing stunning mega bird. This was just lush, lush, lush. Fantastic and provided really really good views

  15. Number observed:  1


    on village/garden edge, perching up on snags and bushes. Normal, Lifer.

  16. Number observed:  1
  17. Number observed:  1
  18. Number observed:  15


    Point blank views hawking inches over small damp patch of grass next to road so at and below eye level and only 3 to 30 feet away. Joined by the most stupendously plumaged and vivid Sri lanka swallows at same distance and also Indian swiftlets and (further away) little swifts. Amazing and all in beautifully lit sunlight. This felt like heaven!

  19. Number observed:  2


    Just stunning! Point blank views hawking inches over small damp patch of grass next to road so at and below eye level and only 3 to 30 feet away. Joined by much more numerous barn swallows at same distance and also Indian swiftlets and (further away) little swifts. Amazing and all in beautifully lit sunlight. This felt like heaven!

  20. Number observed:  X
  21. Number observed:  10
  22. Number observed:  X
  23. Number observed:  20


    Noisy flock of these birds up above me. Great views of some of them

  24. Number observed:  10
  25. Number observed:  20
  26. Number observed:  15


    Excellent views of these birds feeding in fruit trees and commuting between them and accross the hills over the trees, whistling and calling. Really great birds. Normal, Lifer.

  27. Number observed:  X
  28. Number observed:  X
  29. Number observed:  1


    First one of the trip - hopped up in to view on a wire near road. Lovely bird

  30. Number observed:  X
  31. Number observed:  10


    Delightful birds. Beautiful!

  32. Number observed:  10