Checklist S65431936

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Owner James (Jim) Holmes


Protocol:  Traveling
  • Observers:  1
  • Distance:  0.2 mi

Checklist Comments

All time spent at Sagebrush sparrow site, google map coordinates: 38.241774, -121.789412
other species incidentally noted as I was primarily focused on the sparrow (see next list for survey of Robinson Road)
67F, sunny, NNE 4MPH

Submitted from eBird for Android, version 2.0.8


  1. Number observed:  1
  2. Number observed:  2
  3. Number observed:  8
  4. Number observed:  1


    continuing stakeout around google map coordinates: 38.241774, -121.789412
    Obvious Sage Sparrow with long tail, occasionally held up especially when walking/running. Grayish head contrasting with brownish back, strong thick, blackish streaking to back. Back streaking appears outside range of canescens Bell's Sparrows. Malar stripe grayish and becomes weaker as it approaches bill, malar strip darker than but limited contrast with head color. Malar stripe, however, seems more consistent with Bell's but within (upper end) range of Sagebrush.
    Note the long primary projections (best seen in ML213438961) which is more consistent with Sagebrush than canescens Bell's Sparrows (perhaps due to the longer migratory distances of Sagebrush versus canescens).


  5. Number observed:  2
  6. Number observed:  5
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