Checklist S46300795

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Owner Brian Daniels


Protocol:  Historical
  • Observers:  2

Checklist Comments

With Irene Horiuchi and Leo Ohtsuki.


  1. Number observed:  20
  2. Number observed:  10
  3. Number observed:  2
  4. Number observed:  2
  5. Number observed:  50


    I only heard Long-bills and didn’t see any juvenile Short-bills, but can’t rule out that some of the adults could have been Short-bills…

  6. Number observed:  2
  7. Number observed:  50
  8. Glossy x White-faced Ibis (hybrid)

    Number observed:  1


    Two Plegadis ibis were present and Leo chose to look at them – one showed bluish facial stripes above and below dark gray facial skin in the lores. The stripes extended from the bill to the eye, and not behind the eye. The eye of the White-faced Ibis (pinkish-red facial stripes) showed red quite easily, but the one with bluish stripes looked dark brown. It seemed to have some red feathers in upper scapulars and combined with whitish streaked head and neck, I assumed it was an adult in non-breeding plumage. I took a ton of digi-scoped photos, but unfortunately almost all were worthless. Dammit. However, a couple photos were ok and did seem to reveal a reddish glint in the eye. In addition, the lower of the two facial stripes wasn’t as blue and in a photo or two, it seemed to show some pinkish tones – a hybrid?? I’ve sent the photos to the local group (Doug Willick, Jim Pike – on vacation till end of month, Leo and Irene, but also Curtis Marantz – in Brazil till the end of the month) and will wait to hear their opinions.....


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