eBird Malaysia Checklist S30695866

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Owner Alban Guillaumet


Protocol:  Incidental
  • Observers:  1

Checklist Comments

from J residence to Park entrance, ~ 1.30 birding, focusing on EB thrush


  1. Number observed:  0
  2. pigeon/dove sp.

    Number observed:  2


    2 cuckoo-dove sp in flight

  3. Number observed:  0


    flock of 3

  4. Number observed:  X
  5. Number observed:  1
  6. Number observed:  2


    1m, 1 f. fantastic goodbye to the island. Open up my window and flush 1 m!!! And i just had to change my room because i extended my stay :) universe...afterwards, observed very well in the lawns, hoping and eating bugs (although kills but refuses eating a sort of sauterelle). Likes perching on top of small rocks, watching out for cats, dogs and people. Also likes hiding in trenches on the side of the lawn. Strong bill, shorter but deeper than Everett's, mostly yellow below, dark grey face and even darker, grey-black throat. Supercilium pronounced but a bit broken, starting a bit past the bill and broken in two tds the rear. Commas below the eye connected under the bill, breast band and flanks orange-brown, belly white, back brown-olive with faint very pale tips to primary, long wing and tail (w a bit of white on tip?). Long orange legs. Elongated and elegant stance, a bit pitta-like with shorter, less extreme legs.


  7. Number observed:  1
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