Checklist S23863979

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Owner Tom Auer


Protocol:  Stationary
  • Observers:  1

Checklist Comments

Submitted from BirdLog World for Android v1.9.7


  1. Number observed:  1


    Flyover, calling.

    Breeding & Behavior Code:

    F Flyover (Observed)
  2. Rallus sp.

    Number observed:  2


    After playing King Rail vocalizations, I quickly heard two low "kicker" and "grunt" responses from different ends of the marsh, one after the other, indicating two birds. The pitch and tone were more in line with King Rail and the marsh is very fresh this high up, but Virginia Rail make such a range of calls it seems difficult to eliminate them.

  3. Number observed:  1

    Breeding & Behavior Code:

    S7 Singing Bird Present 7+ days (Probable)
  4. Number observed:  1

    Breeding & Behavior Code:

    H In Appropriate Habitat (Possible)