Checklist S15825310

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Main details

Location Klamath Basin NWR - Basin Bird Survey Site 31 S of HQ

Additional details


Owner Daniel George

Other participating eBirders


Protocol:  Stationary
  • Observers:  2

Checklist Comments

Lava Beds and Basin Birding. Morning cloudy, calm, about 40-50 degrees F; Afternoon partly cloudy, NW winds 5-10 mph, about 60F.


  1. Number observed:  56
  2. Number observed:  2
  3. Number observed:  2
  4. Number observed:  1
  5. Number observed:  1
  6. Number observed:  3
  7. Number observed:  400


    most in old, leafless willows - highly vocal. Mixed groups of four species of blackbird in willows and among grasses at edge of canal - TRBL, RWBL, BRBL, and YHBL

  8. Number observed:  120
  9. Number observed:  250
  10. Number observed:  80