Checklist S142363584

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Owner Thomas Wurster


Protocol:  Traveling
  • Observers:  1
  • Distance:  0.4 mi

Checklist Comments

Near 70 F, hazy sun, touch of Southerly wind. Coverage: focused search for possible EAWP found by Braxton Landsman roughly a half hour before my arrival. I joined Braxton and his father. We focused on the trees in the parking lot and garden area. We were joined by numerous others after the pewee disappeared. Several extended the search area much more widely, but the pewee 180wasn’t refound. I ignored all other birds.

Submitted from eBird for iOS, version 2.17.3


  1. Western/Eastern Wood-Pewee

    Number observed:  1


    Intriguing pewee with mostly orange lower mandible with a vaguely dusky tip limited to the distal 1/4 or so, equally prominent upper and lower wingbars, and relatively pale underparts showing only a light wash on sides. All suggestive of EAWP. However it was silent. Braxton Landsman found and photographed it, then contacted me regarding a possible EAWP. I arrived roughly a half hour later. I managed only momentary views several times over the next 3-5 minutes, thru bins and my scope. I stood on Riparian Way looking west at a pewee perched in the topmost branches of Sycamore near the Sea and Sage Audubon bookstore. It made several foraging sallies, then disappeared. We searched for it unsuccessfully over the next hour and half plus. Others joined the search and continued until early afternoon or later. I returned at sunrise the following day but there was no sign of the pewee. This pewee didn’t show any feature to my knowledge that would eliminate it being an EAWP. Pending analysis from pewee ID experts, and absent vocal confirmation, I’m leaving the ID as WEWP/EAWP with visual characters supportive of EAWP.