eBird Canada Checklist S12084825

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Location Crescent Beach, Niagara

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Owner Published Ontario Bird Records Data


Protocol:  Incidental

Checklist Comments

OBRC database formatted and uploaded October 6, 2012 by Mike Burrell


  1. storm-petrel sp.

    Number observed:  1


    1, no published plumage details, present 27 September 2003; found by: Alfred L. Adamo; documentation provided by: Alfred L. Adamo. Published comments: These three records of unidentifiable storm-petrels, seen under less than ideal circumstances, at fairly long distances or in strong winds, were associated with the passage of Hurricane Isabel, as well. 2nd (OBRC accepted) Ontario record for this species. 2nd OBRC accepted record for southern Ontario for this species. Record accepted by OBRC (record number 393?). Record published in 2003 OBRC annual report. Published location: Crescent Beach, Niagara Region*******************uploaded October 6, 2012 by Mike Burrell