Checklist S112052831

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Main Details

Location 2432 Plumas Arboga Road, Olivehurst, California, US (39.027, -121.529)

Additional Details


Owner Asher Perla

Other Participating eBirders


Protocol:  Traveling
  • Observers:  2
  • Distance:  1.07 mi

Checklist Comments

Submitted from eBird for Android, version 2.8.8


  1. Number observed:  2
  2. Number observed:  1


    Breeding adult. Bluish-green overall, pale blue lines bordering facial skin & not extending behind the eye. Facial skin dark with no hints or red, eye completely dark. Bill a dull brownish. Legs gray with reddish intertarsal joints. Direct comparison with multiple plumages of White-faced Ibis.

    Found by me on a berm while picking through Ibis searching for a Glossy. I got off a couple photos while Liam got it in the scope, at which time it flew to the field west of the one it was in. We skeddadled over there and Liam refound it 2 seconds before it flew. Then we gathered our spirits and searched again in the original field, where Liam spotted it right where we first had it on the berm here: 39.027312,-121.529688

    The flock of Ibis moved around a lot between three rice checks to the east and west of the coordinates above. While we saw it, the Glossy preferred sitting on the berm to feeding with the other White-faced.

    We watched these birds in excellent light, with the sun above us and slight clouds precluding any glare. The Glossy was seen and photographed right next to White-faced and the leg and facial patterns were easily compared. The bird stood out nicely, and we were able to pick it out multiple times with binoculars at distances of roughly 80 meters. It kind of moved away as we watched.

    Parking here is a little rough, but theres a pullout here: 39.0267163, -121.5292661
    where we parked. Its a little sketch though. Be careful, the birds will flush. We watched them from in the car.


  3. Number observed:  1200


    Estimated by 100s


  4. Number observed:  1
  5. Number observed:  1
  6. Number observed:  2
  7. Number observed:  5
  8. Number observed:  1
  9. Number observed:  1
  10. Number observed:  1
  11. Number observed:  1
  12. Number observed:  20
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