erişkin erkek © Ryan Schain eBird S36431711 Macaulay Library ML 56379821
erişkin dişi © Ryan Schain
ergen dişi © Ryan Schain
ergen © Luke Seitz
erişkin erkek © Jonathan Eckerson
+ 5
erişkin erkek © Evan Lipton
erişkin dişi © Ryan Schain
erişkin erkek © Tim Armstrong
erişkin erkek © Alissa Milillo

Çam Ötleğeni Setophaga pinus

Rozetlerinizi görüntülemek için oturum açın



A medium-sized, rather robust and long-tailed warbler, with a noticeably stout bill. Variable plumage, from bright adult males with extensive yellow throat to extremely dull grayish-brown immature females. Always look for two white wingbars, diffuse streaking on the sides of the breast, large bill, and long narrow tail with a shallow notch. Well-named: almost always found in pine trees throughout the year. In spring and summer, listen for loud musical trill (compare with Chipping Sparrow and Dark-eyed Junco). Occasionally visits feeders, especially for suet. A short-distance migrant, wintering entirely in the United States.