117th Annual Christmas Bird Count in Vermont

The 117th Christmas Bird Count will take place from December 14 through January 5. This is perhaps the longest running citizen science project in Vermont. Each count occurs in a designated circle, 15 miles in diameter, and is led by an experienced birder, or designated “compiler”. Read more to learn where Vermont CBCs are located, date of counts and compiler contact information.
The longest running citizen science program in the world, the count originally began on Christmas Day in 1900 when ornithologist and legendary birder and ornithologist Frank Chapman posed an alternative to an earlier traditional holiday “side hunt.” Chapman proposed “hunting” birds to record their numbers. Instead of firing a shotgun, now we have an annual snapshot. Decades of data have added up to results envied by other scientists who don’t enjoy such a fleet of volunteer help, or creatures as easily seen and counted as birds.
While there is a specific methodology to the CBC and you need to count birds within an existing Christmas Bird Count circle, everyone can participate! If you are a beginning birder, you will be able to join a group that includes at least one experienced birdwatcher. If your home is within the boundaries of a Christmas Bird Count circle, then you can stay home and report the birds that visit your feeder or join a group of birdwatchers in the field. If you have never been on a CBC before and you want to participate in a count this year, including feeder counting, please contact your count compiler prior to the count.
Would you like to explore the data from seasons past or see a map of count circles? Visit the Christmas Bird Count home page to learn more.
Are you planning on adding your observations to Vermont eBird too? Check out this short article about helpful hints.
VERMONT COUNTS (view map):
Jan. 1, 2017
Contact: Charlie Brown – ccbrowne63@gmail.com
Dec. 18, 2o16
Contact: Kevin Hemeon – mariekevinhemeon@msn.com
Dec. 17, 2016
Contact: Bob Engel – bengel@marlboro.edu
Dec. 18, 2016
Contact: Shirley Johnson – rjsj489@comcast.net
Compiler: Eric Lazarus – ericlazarus@myfairpoint.net
Champlain Islands/St. Albans
Dec. 18, 2016
Contact: Terry Marron – tgmarron@comcast.net
East Franklin County
Jan. 1, 2017
Contact: Eddy Edwards – eddy_edwards@fws.gov
Dec. 17, 2016
Contact: Mike Winslow – mikekira@myfairpoint.net
Jan. 1, 2017
Meet in front of Hopkins Center in Hanover, N.H. at 7am
Contact: Daniel Crook – dc178@hotmail.com
Dec. 31, 2016
Contact: Paul Wieczoreck – mgcpw@gmavt.net
Hunger Mountain (NEW!)
Dec. 26, 2016
Contact: Zach Cota-Weaver- zcotaweaver@gmail.com
Island Pond
Dec. 15, 2016
Contact: Jayson Benoit – jayson@northwoodscenter.org
Lamoille County
Dec. 31, 2016
Contact: Noel Dodge – noel.dodge@gmail.com
Mad River Valley/Northfield
Dec. 16, 2016
Contact: Mad Birders – info@madbirders.org
Dec. 18, 2016
Contact: Jim Andrews – jandrews@middlebury.edu
Mt. Abraham
Dec. 17, 2016
Contact: Randy Durand – durand@gmavt.net
Dec. 17, 2016
Contact: Chip Darmstadt – chip@NorthBranchNatureCenter.org
Plattsburhg, NY (reaches the VT Champlain islands)
Contact: Michael Burgess – mburg005@plattsburgh.edu
Randolph Area
Dec. 17, 2016
Contact: Brian Lowe – vtbirdguy@yahoo.com
Jan. 2, 2017
Contact:Kathleen Guinness – kathleenguinness63@gmail.com
Saxton’s River
Dec. 17, 2016
Contact: Don Clark – sapsbks@gmail.com
Dec. 18, 2016
Contact: Hugh Putnam – putnams@vermontel.net or 802-886-8430
Dec. 17, 2016
Contact: Ruth Stewart – birder_rws@outlook.com
Dec. 15, 2016
Contact: Sally Laughlin – slaughlin@myfairpoint.net