Central America

Participate in World Shorebird Day this weekend!

There is no a better time than the present to raise global public awareness about the conservation of, and research about, shorebirds. About half of the world’s shorebird populations are in decline, and the rate of habitat loss is worse than ever before. Healthy populations of shorebirds mean healthy wetlands, something that thousands of human lives depend upon. Action on a global scale needs to be organized to encourage people to be connected with shorebirds, their spectacular life and their habitats. With this in mind ‘World Shorebirds’ Day‘ was created with the following aims: 1. To raise public awareness about the need to protect shorebirds and their habitats throughout their life cycles; 2. To raise public awareness about the need for ongoing shorebird research; 3. To connect people with shorebirds through important shorebird sites around the world; 4. To get shorebird enthusiasts to introduce shorebirds to more birdwatchers; and 5. To raise awareness about the need for increased funding for shorebird research, monitoring,  and conservation. Originating out of Hungary and spreading across the planet, World Shorebirds Day is an international shorebird count conducted over one weekend to gauge the overall health of the world’s shorebird populations. Birders can count shorebirds at any site, and then enter their observations into eBird. Your data will then be accessible to the shorebird biologists associated with this project, as well as the broader science and conservation communities.

To participate in this event, please sign up here.

To get a sense of how many people are participating – and this really is a worldwide event! – click here.