

Block type:


Effort hours (diurnal/nocturnal):

69.29 / 2.18

Updated ~2 hr(s) ago.

86 Checklists 25 Atlasers

Observed Possible Probable Confirmed Total
Virginia BBA 2016-2020 29 43 14 26 83

Species Observed

Species Breeding Evidence Location Date
vireo sp. Observed Staunton River SP--Captain Staunton Trail 9 Aug 2020
Chipping Sparrow Confirmed (FY) Staunton River SP--Captain Staunton Trail 9 Aug 2020
Common Yellowthroat Possible (S) Staunton View Public Use Area 8 Jun 2020
Wild Turkey Confirmed (FL) Hogan Creek Wildlife Management Area 16 May 2020
Red-shouldered Hawk Observed Hogan Creek Wildlife Management Area 16 May 2020
Ruby-throated Hummingbird Possible (H) (36.671, -78.649) 22 Jun 2019
Eastern Wood-Pewee Possible (S) (36.671, -78.649) 22 Jun 2019
Acadian Flycatcher Possible (S) (36.671, -78.649) 22 Jun 2019
Ovenbird Confirmed (FL) (36.671, -78.649) 22 Jun 2019
Hooded Warbler Possible (S) (36.671, -78.649) 22 Jun 2019
Northern Parula Probable (P) (36.671, -78.649) 22 Jun 2019
Scarlet Tanager Possible (S) (36.671, -78.649) 22 Jun 2019
Eastern Whip-poor-will Possible (S) (36.6985,-78.6721) 22 Jun 2019
Brown-headed Nuthatch Possible (S) (36.6942,-78.6709) 21 Jun 2019
Yellow-breasted Chat Possible (S) (36.6942,-78.6709) 21 Jun 2019
Prairie Warbler Probable (S7) (36.6942,-78.6709) 21 Jun 2019
Brown Thrasher Probable (T) Unnamed Road, Scottsburg, Virginia, US (36.693, -78.67) 21 Jun 2019
Yellow-throated Warbler Possible (S) Staunton River SP--Captain Staunton Trail 21 Jun 2019
Indigo Bunting Confirmed (CN) Scottsburg, Virginia, US (36.703, -78.662) 21 Jun 2019
Yellow-billed Cuckoo Possible (S) (36.701, -78.663) 21 Jun 2019
Buteo sp. Observed (36.701, -78.663) 21 Jun 2019
Cedar Waxwing Possible (S) (36.701, -78.663) 21 Jun 2019
Pine Warbler Confirmed (FY) (36.701, -78.663) 21 Jun 2019
Summer Tanager Confirmed (FY) (36.701, -78.663) 21 Jun 2019
Northern Mockingbird Confirmed (FL) (36.699, -78.663) 21 Jun 2019
Downy Woodpecker Possible (S) Buffalo Springs WMA (36.6705,-78.6493) 21 Jun 2019
White-eyed Vireo Confirmed (FL) Buffalo Springs WMA (36.6705,-78.6493) 21 Jun 2019
Wood Thrush Probable (T) Buffalo Springs WMA (36.6705,-78.6493) 21 Jun 2019
Eastern Screech-Owl Probable (P) Bunkhouse, Staunton River SP 20 Jun 2019
Red-headed Woodpecker Probable (N) crossroads - Staunton River State Park, Scottsburg US-VA (36.6991,-78.6675) 29 May 2019
Tree Swallow Confirmed (ON) The Point, Staunton River State Park, (36.6975,-78.6534) 29 May 2019
Eastern Towhee Possible (S) The Point, Staunton River State Park, (36.6975,-78.6534) 29 May 2019
Louisiana Waterthrush Possible (S) The Point, Staunton River State Park, (36.6975,-78.6534) 29 May 2019
Caspian Tern Observed Staunton View Public Use Area 28 Apr 2019
American Goldfinch Possible (S) Staunton View Public Use Area 28 Apr 2019
Palm Warbler Observed Staunton View Public Use Area 28 Apr 2019
Great Horned Owl Possible (H) Staunton River State Park 16 Dec 2018
Muscovy Duck Observed Staunton View Public Use Area 4 Aug 2018
Spotted Sandpiper Observed Staunton View Public Use Area 4 Aug 2018
Osprey Possible (H) Staunton View Public Use Area 4 Aug 2018
Barred Owl Confirmed (FL) Staunton View Public Use Area 4 Aug 2018
Belted Kingfisher Possible (H) Staunton View Public Use Area 4 Aug 2018
American Redstart Observed Staunton View Public Use Area 4 Aug 2018
Canada Goose Possible (H) Staunton View Public Use Area 14 Jul 2018
Wood Duck Confirmed (FL) Staunton View Public Use Area 14 Jul 2018
American Avocet Observed Staunton View Public Use Area 14 Jul 2018
Killdeer Possible (H) Staunton View Public Use Area 14 Jul 2018
Double-crested Cormorant Possible (H) Staunton View Public Use Area 14 Jul 2018
Great Egret Possible (H) Staunton View Public Use Area 14 Jul 2018
Great Blue Heron Possible (H) Staunton View Public Use Area 14 Jul 2018
Bald Eagle Confirmed (FL) Staunton View Public Use Area 14 Jul 2018
American Crow Confirmed (FL) Staunton View Public Use Area 14 Jul 2018
Common Grackle Possible (H) Staunton View Public Use Area 14 Jul 2018
Black Vulture Possible (H) Staunton River State Park 15 Jun 2018
Turkey Vulture Possible (H) Staunton River State Park 15 Jun 2018
Northern Flicker Probable (N) Staunton River State Park 15 Jun 2018
Eastern Phoebe Confirmed (ON) Staunton River State Park 15 Jun 2018
Yellow-throated Vireo Possible (S) Staunton River State Park 15 Jun 2018
Blue Jay Possible (H) Staunton River State Park 15 Jun 2018
Carolina Wren Confirmed (ON) Staunton River State Park 15 Jun 2018
Eastern Bluebird Confirmed (NY) Staunton River State Park 15 Jun 2018
Mallard Confirmed (FL) Staunton River State Park, Staunton Trail 15 Jun 2018
Eastern Kingbird Confirmed (NB) Staunton River State Park, Staunton Trail 15 Jun 2018
White-breasted Nuthatch Possible (S) Staunton River State Park, Staunton Trail 15 Jun 2018
American Robin Possible (S) Staunton River State Park, Staunton Trail 15 Jun 2018
Orchard Oriole Confirmed (CF) Staunton River State Park, Staunton Trail 15 Jun 2018
Prothonotary Warbler Confirmed (CF) Staunton River State Park, Staunton Trail 15 Jun 2018
Blue Grosbeak Probable (P) Staunton River State Park, Staunton Trail 15 Jun 2018
Eastern Meadowlark Possible (S) Staunton River State Park, Scottsburg US-VA (36.7038,-78.6660) 6 May 2018
Baltimore Oriole Confirmed (NB) Staunton River State Park, Scottsburg US-VA (36.7038,-78.6660) 6 May 2018
House Finch Possible (S) Staunton River State Park 5 May 2018
Red-bellied Woodpecker Possible (S) Staunton River State Park, Scottsburg US-VA (36.7038,-78.6660) 5 May 2018
Veery Observed Staunton River State Park, Scottsburg US-VA (36.7038,-78.6660) 5 May 2018
Worm-eating Warbler Observed Staunton River State Park, Scottsburg US-VA (36.7038,-78.6660) 4 May 2018
crow sp. Observed Staunton River State Park, Scottsburg US-VA (36.7038,-78.6660) 4 May 2018
Gray Catbird Probable (P) Staunton River State Park, Scottsburg US-VA (36.7038,-78.6660) 4 May 2018
Brown-headed Cowbird Probable (P) Staunton River State Park, Scottsburg US-VA (36.7038,-78.6660) 4 May 2018
hawk sp. Observed Staunton River State Park 9 Sep 2017
Red-eyed Vireo Confirmed (FY) Staunton River State Park 9 Sep 2017
Magnolia Warbler Observed Staunton River State Park 9 Sep 2017
Chestnut-sided Warbler Observed Staunton River State Park 9 Sep 2017
Black-throated Green Warbler Observed Staunton River State Park 9 Sep 2017
new world warbler sp. Observed Staunton River State Park 9 Sep 2017
Northern Cardinal Confirmed (FY) Staunton River State Park 9 Sep 2017
Hairy Woodpecker Possible (H) Staunton River State Park 18 Jun 2017
Field Sparrow Possible (S) Staunton River State Park 18 Jun 2017
Semipalmated Plover Observed Staunton View Public Use Area 6 Aug 2016
Least Sandpiper Observed Staunton View Public Use Area 6 Aug 2016
Pectoral Sandpiper Observed Staunton View Public Use Area 6 Aug 2016
Broad-winged Hawk Observed Staunton View Public Use Area 6 Aug 2016
shorebird sp. Observed Staunton View Public Use Area 31 Jul 2016
Little Blue Heron Possible (H) Staunton View Public Use Area 31 Jul 2016
Green Heron Confirmed (FL) Staunton View Public Use Area 31 Jul 2016
White Ibis Observed Staunton View Public Use Area 31 Jul 2016
swallow sp. Observed Staunton View Public Use Area 31 Jul 2016
duck sp. Observed Staunton View Public Use Area 26 Jul 2016
Solitary Sandpiper Observed Staunton View Public Use Area 26 Jul 2016
Lesser Yellowlegs Observed Staunton View Public Use Area 26 Jul 2016
Western/Semipalmated Sandpiper Observed Staunton View Public Use Area 26 Jul 2016
Red-tailed Hawk Possible (H) Staunton View Public Use Area 26 Jul 2016
Cliff Swallow Observed (F) Staunton View Public Use Area 26 Jul 2016
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Confirmed (FY) Staunton View Public Use Area 25 Jul 2016
Fish Crow Possible (S) Staunton View Public Use Area 9 Jul 2016
Chimney Swift Possible (H) Staunton River State Park 10 Jun 2016
Pileated Woodpecker Probable (P) Staunton River State Park 10 Jun 2016
Great Crested Flycatcher Probable (P) Staunton River State Park 10 Jun 2016
Carolina Chickadee Probable (P) Staunton River State Park 10 Jun 2016
European Starling Possible (H) Staunton River State Park 10 Jun 2016
Red-winged Blackbird Possible (S) Staunton River State Park 10 Jun 2016
Greater Yellowlegs Observed Staunton View Public Use Area 26 Apr 2016
Ring-billed Gull Observed Staunton View Public Use Area 26 Apr 2016
Mourning Dove Probable (P) Hogan Creek Wildlife Management Area 23 Apr 2016
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Observed Hogan Creek Wildlife Management Area 23 Apr 2016
White-throated Sparrow Observed Hogan Creek Wildlife Management Area 23 Apr 2016
Black-and-white Warbler Observed Hogan Creek Wildlife Management Area 23 Apr 2016
Black-throated Blue Warbler Observed Hogan Creek Wildlife Management Area 23 Apr 2016
Yellow-rumped Warbler Observed Hogan Creek Wildlife Management Area 23 Apr 2016
Lesser/Greater Yellowlegs Observed Staunton View Public Use Area 23 Apr 2016
Bonaparte's Gull Observed Staunton View Public Use Area 23 Apr 2016
Sharp-shinned/Cooper's Hawk Observed Staunton View Public Use Area 23 Apr 2016
Tufted Titmouse Confirmed (CN) Staunton View Public Use Area 23 Apr 2016
Barn Swallow Possible (H) Staunton View Public Use Area 23 Apr 2016
Blue-winged Warbler Observed Staunton View Public Use Area 23 Apr 2016

Recent visits

Checklists submitted within the last hour are not shown.
Observer Date Species
Chris Sokol 9 Aug 2020 22
Carlton Noll 29 Jun 2020 1
Evan Spears 8 Jun 2020 18
Ty Smith 8 Jun 2020 18
Paul Glass 16 May 2020 36
Guy Babineau 23 Jun 2019 8
Guy Babineau 23 Jun 2019 1
Guy Babineau 22 Jun 2019 1
Carlton Noll 22 Jun 2019 1
JoAnn Dalley 22 Jun 2019 1
More recent visits

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1 Jeffrey Blalock
2 Meredith Bell
3 Ashley Peele
3 Paul Glass
5 Chris White
5 Annie Downing
5 Dori Rhodes
5 Jane Yocom
5 Melissa Gross
5 Wendy Ealding
5 Patty Elton
5 John Adair
5 Marilyn Adair
5 Guy Babineau
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15 Carlton Noll
17 Kelly Krechmer
18 Larry Meade
18 JoAnn Dalley
18 Chris Sokol
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