

Block type:


Effort hours (diurnal/nocturnal):

9.48 / 1.87

Updated ~12 hr(s) ago.

12 Checklists 3 Atlasers

Observed Possible Probable Confirmed Total
Virginia BBA 2016-2020 1 31 25 8 64

Species Observed

Species Breeding Evidence Location Date
Barred Owl Possible (S) Grannies at the Ponderosa 25 Jul 2020
Northern Bobwhite Possible (S) Prairie 21 Jun 2020
Turkey Vulture Possible (H) Prairie 21 Jun 2020
Bald Eagle Possible (H) Prairie 21 Jun 2020
Blue Jay Possible (S) Prairie 21 Jun 2020
American Crow Possible (S) Prairie 21 Jun 2020
Fish Crow Possible (S) Prairie 21 Jun 2020
Tree Swallow Probable (P) Prairie 21 Jun 2020
Barn Swallow Probable (P) Prairie 21 Jun 2020
Chipping Sparrow Possible (S) Prairie 21 Jun 2020
Field Sparrow Probable (P) Prairie 21 Jun 2020
Yellow-breasted Chat Possible (S) Prairie 21 Jun 2020
Brown-headed Cowbird Probable (P) Prairie 21 Jun 2020
Blue Grosbeak Possible (S) Prairie 21 Jun 2020
Red-bellied Woodpecker Possible (S) Antiock Church Rd 20 Jun 2020
Downy Woodpecker Possible (S) Antiock Church Rd 20 Jun 2020
Brown Thrasher Probable (A) Antiock Church Rd 20 Jun 2020
Northern Cardinal Probable (P) Antiock Church Rd 20 Jun 2020
Yellow-billed Cuckoo Possible (S) Antiock Church Rd 20 Jun 2020
Ruby-throated Hummingbird Possible (H) Antiock Church Rd 20 Jun 2020
Great Blue Heron Possible (H) Antiock Church Rd 20 Jun 2020
Northern Flicker Possible (S) Antiock Church Rd 20 Jun 2020
Great Crested Flycatcher Possible (S) Antiock Church Rd 20 Jun 2020
Red-winged Blackbird Probable (P) Antiock Church Rd 20 Jun 2020
Common Yellowthroat Possible (S) Antiock Church Rd 20 Jun 2020
Indigo Bunting Possible (H) Antiock Church Rd 20 Jun 2020
Red-shouldered Hawk Possible (S) Antiock Church Rd 20 Jun 2020
crow sp. Probable (P) Antiock Church Rd 20 Jun 2020
House Wren Possible (S) Grannies at the Ponderosa 27 May 2018
White-eyed Vireo Possible (S) 1-31 Rock Church Road, Clarksville, Virginia, US (36.543, -78.437) 27 May 2018
Eastern Meadowlark Possible (S) 1-31 Rock Church Road, Clarksville, Virginia, US (36.543, -78.437) 27 May 2018
Pileated Woodpecker Possible (H) Ivy Hill Park 27 May 2018
Eastern Wood-Pewee Probable (S7) Ivy Hill Park 27 May 2018
Acadian Flycatcher Probable (S7) Ivy Hill Park 27 May 2018
Eastern Kingbird Probable (C) Ivy Hill Park 27 May 2018
Yellow-throated Vireo Probable (S7) Ivy Hill Park 27 May 2018
Red-eyed Vireo Probable (S7) Ivy Hill Park 27 May 2018
Brown-headed Nuthatch Possible (H) Ivy Hill Park 27 May 2018
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Probable (S7) Ivy Hill Park 27 May 2018
Wood Thrush Probable (S7) Ivy Hill Park 27 May 2018
American Goldfinch Possible (H) Ivy Hill Park 27 May 2018
Orchard Oriole Probable (S7) Ivy Hill Park 27 May 2018
Common Grackle Possible (H) Ivy Hill Park 27 May 2018
Ovenbird Probable (S7) Ivy Hill Park 27 May 2018
Prothonotary Warbler Probable (S7) Ivy Hill Park 27 May 2018
Pine Warbler Probable (S7) Ivy Hill Park 27 May 2018
Yellow-throated Warbler Probable (S7) Ivy Hill Park 27 May 2018
Summer Tanager Probable (S7) Ivy Hill Park 27 May 2018
Scarlet Tanager Possible (S) Ivy Hill Park 27 May 2018
Canada Goose Confirmed (FL) Grannies at the Ponderosa 26 May 2018
Mallard Probable (P) Grannies at the Ponderosa 26 May 2018
Ring-billed Gull Observed Ivy Hill Park 26 Jul 2017
Double-crested Cormorant Possible (H) Ivy Hill Park 26 Jul 2017
Osprey Possible (H) Ivy Hill Park 26 Jul 2017
Eastern Phoebe Possible (S) Ivy Hill Park 26 Jul 2017
Mourning Dove Confirmed (FL) Grannies at the Ponderosa 28 May 2017
Carolina Chickadee Confirmed (FL) Grannies at the Ponderosa 28 May 2017
Tufted Titmouse Probable (A) Grannies at the Ponderosa 28 May 2017
Purple Martin Confirmed (ON) Grannies at the Ponderosa 28 May 2017
Northern Rough-winged Swallow Probable (N) Grannies at the Ponderosa 28 May 2017
White-breasted Nuthatch Confirmed (FL) Grannies at the Ponderosa 28 May 2017
Carolina Wren Confirmed (UN) Grannies at the Ponderosa 28 May 2017
European Starling Confirmed (CN) Grannies at the Ponderosa 28 May 2017
Northern Mockingbird Probable (N) Grannies at the Ponderosa 28 May 2017
Eastern Bluebird Confirmed (NE) Grannies at the Ponderosa 28 May 2017
House Finch Probable (P) Grannies at the Ponderosa 28 May 2017

Recent visits

Checklists submitted within the last hour are not shown.
Observer Date Species
Jason Strickland 25 Jul 2020 3
Daphne Cole 21 Jun 2020 19
Daphne Cole 20 Jun 2020 11
Daphne Cole 20 Jun 2020 17
Daphne Cole 20 Jun 2020 3
Jason Strickland 27 May 2018 10
Jason Strickland 27 May 2018 3
Jason Strickland 27 May 2018 29
Jason Strickland 26 May 2018 1
Jason Strickland 26 May 2018 5
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