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Observations - Last seen - Sorted by Date descending

species 1.
Count  3
Eric Dyck
species 2.
Count  1
Eric Dyck
species 3.
Count  2
Eric Dyck
species 4.
Count  2
Eric Dyck
species 5.
Count  1
Eric Dyck
species 6.
Count  2
Eric Dyck
species 7.
Count  1
Eric Dyck
species 8.
Count  4
Eric Dyck
species 9.

European Starling

Count  4
Eric Dyck
species 10.
Count  3
Eric Dyck
species 11.
Count  2
Eric Dyck
species 12.
Count  30
Eric Dyck
species 13.
Count  3
Eric Dyck
species 14.
Count  2
Dimitris Salas
species 15.
Count  1
Anna Been
species 16.
Count  1
Anna Been
species 17.
Count  2
Steven Thyme
species 18.
Count  1
Steven Thyme
species 19.
Count  6
Steven Thyme
species 20.
Count  3
Steven Thyme
species 21.
Count  1
Steven Thyme
species 22.
Count  1
Steven Thyme
species 23.
Count  1
Steven Thyme
species 24.
Count  1
Steven Thyme
species 25.
Count  2
Steven Thyme
species 26.
Count  2
Frank Diaz
species 27.
Count  2
Frank Diaz
species 28.
Count  4
Frank Diaz
species 29.
Count  2
Frank Diaz
species 30.
Count  1
Frank Diaz
species 31.
Count  6
Frank Diaz
species 32.

Common Myna

Count  2
Frank Diaz
species 33.
Count  1
Kirk Andrews
species 34.
Count  X
Amy Neblett
species 35.
Count  1
Amy Neblett
species 36.
Count  4
Amy Neblett
species 37.
Count  1
Amy Neblett
species 38.
Count  4
Amy Neblett
species 39.
Count  3
Amy Neblett
species 40.
Count  X
Amy Neblett
species 41.
Count  1
Amy Neblett
species 42.
Count  8
Amy Neblett
species 43.
Count  X
Amy Neblett
species 44.
Count  1
Amy Neblett
species 45.
Count  1
Amy Neblett
species 46.
Count  1
Amy Neblett
species 47.
Count  1
Amy Neblett
species 48.
Count  X
Amy Neblett
species 49.
Count  5
Frank Diaz
species 50.
Count  4
Frank Diaz
species 51.
Count  2
Loch Kilpatrick
species 52.
Count  5
Loch Kilpatrick
species 53.
Count  1
Tony Daus
species 54.
Count  1
Tony Daus
species 55.
Count  1
Tony Daus
species 56.
Count  2
Fritz (Boch) Hoeflein
species 57.
Count  2
Fritz (Boch) Hoeflein
species 58.
Count  4
Fritz (Boch) Hoeflein
species 59.
Count  1
Fritz (Boch) Hoeflein
species 60.
Count  2
Amelia Stepniak
species 61.
Count  1
Charity Hagen
species 62.
Count  1
Stephanie Schonberger
species 63.
Count  1
Lisa Schibley
species 64.
Count  1
Vincent Zollo
species 65.
Count  1
Vincent Zollo
species 66.
Count  2
Anthony Hoets
species 67.
Count  2
Anthony Hoets
species 68.
Count  1
Anthony Hoets
species 69.
Count  1
Anthony Hoets
species 70.
Count  1
Anthony Hoets
species 71.
Count  1
Jeffrey Jackson
species 72.
Count  2
Jeffrey Jackson
species 73.
Count  4
Jeffrey Jackson
species 74.
Count  1
Jeffrey Jackson
species 75.
Count  1
Jeffrey Jackson
species 76.
Count  1
Jeffrey Jackson
species 77.
Count  2
Jeffrey Jackson
species 78.
Count  7
Ethan Kistler
species 79.
Count  2
Ethan Kistler
species 80.
Count  1
Ethan Kistler
species 81.
Count  3
Ethan Kistler
species 82.
Count  1
Ethan Kistler
species 83.
Count  2
Ethan Kistler
species 84.
Count  1
Scott Reynolds
species 85.
Count  2
Rafael Galvez
species 86.
Count  1
Lee Western
species 87.
Count  4
Luis Gonzalez
species 88.
Count  1
Luis Gonzalez
species 89.
Count  18
Roxanne Featherly
species 90.
Count  1
Roxanne Featherly
species 91.
Count  1
Brian Bobowski
species 92.
Count  1
Araks Ohanyan
species 93.
Count  6
Araks Ohanyan
species 94.
Count  1
Marie Dugan
species 95.
Count  7
James Molyneux
species 96.
Count  1
James Molyneux
species 97.
Count  1
James Molyneux
species 98.
Count  1
Joleada Lewis
species 99.
Count  2
Joleada Lewis
species 100.
Count  1
Bryan Zayach
species 101.
Count  1
Bryan Zayach
species 102.
Count  1
Bryan Zayach
species 103.
Count  1
Bryan Zayach
species 104.
Count  1
Bryan Zayach
species 105.
Count  1
Bryan Zayach
species 106.
Count  2
Bryan Zayach
species 107.
Count  1
Bryan Zayach
species 108.
Count  1
Bryan Zayach
species 109.
Count  2
Bryan Zayach
species 110.
Count  2
Bryan Zayach
species 111.
Count  1
Bryan Zayach
species 112.
Count  1
Nathan Standeford
species 113.
Count  1
Nathan Standeford
species 114.
Count  1
Alexander DeBear
species 115.
Count  1
Andy Dorsey
species 116.
Count  12
Jamie B Wagner
species 117.

Eurasian Collared-Dove

Count  7
Will Anderson
species 118.
Count  3
Will Anderson
species 119.
Count  1
Will Anderson
species 120.
Count  5
Will Anderson
species 121.
Count  7
Lori Stopka
species 122.
Count  1
Lori Stopka
species 123.
Count  X
Matthew VanDyk
species 124.
Count  2
robert beauchamp
species 125.
Count  1
Kyle Schanta
species 126.
Count  X
Bill Burger
species 127.
Count  1
Ellen Zimmerli
species 128.
Count  1
Ellen Zimmerli
species 129.
Count  2
Eric Gunderson
species 130.
Count  2
Eric Gunderson
species 131.
Count  1
Steve and Janet Kistler
species 132.
Count  1
ami horowitz
species 133.
Count  6
Jean-François Giroux
species 134.
Count  3
Jean-François Giroux
species 135.
Count  1
Joseph McKenna
species 136.
Count  1
Joseph McKenna
species 137.

House Sparrow

Count  1
Joseph McKenna
species 138.
Count  1
Joseph McKenna
species 139.
Count  1
Dan Meyer
species 140.
Count  1
Jean-Pierre Dodel
species 141.
Count  1
Joe McDonnell
species 142.

House Finch

Count  1
Brandon Michael Lowden
species 143.
Count  2
Sydney Gerig
species 144.
Count  1
Sydney Gerig
species 145.
Count  3
Sydney Gerig
species 146.
Count  1
Lisa Sykes
species 147.
Count  1
Luis Gonzalez
species 148.
Count  1
Luis Gonzalez
species 149.
Count  1
Kathe Goria-Hendrickson
species 150.
Count  1
Kathe Goria-Hendrickson
species 151.
Count  1
Sharon Wilcox
species 152.
Count  1
Sharon Wilcox
species 153.
Count  1
Ken Behrens
species 154.
Count  3
Chris Monahan
species 155.

Rock Pigeon

Count  18
Chris Scott
species 156.
Count  2
Luis Gonzalez
species 157.
Count  1
Luis Gonzalez
species 158.
Count  1
Anonymous eBirder
species 159.
Count  1
Stephen Paez
species 160.
Count  1
Peter Carr
species 161.
Count  3
Cole Wild
species 162.
Count  1
Cole Wild
species 163.
Count  2
Josh Stapleton
species 164.
Count  1
Josh Stapleton
species 165.
Count  1
Josh Stapleton
species 166.
Count  3
Adrian Mendez
species 167.
Count  1
Adrian Mendez
species 168.
Count  1
Timothy Lann
species 169.
Count  1
Timothy Lann
species 170.
Count  1
Malcolm Creighton-Smith
species 171.
Count  6
Justin Hall
species 172.
Count  1
Jamie Russell
species 173.
Count  1
Logan McHenry
species 174.
Count  2
Margaret Kirby Taylor
species 175.
Count  1
Sean Beckett
species 176.
Count  1
Max Epstein
species 177.
Count  1
Holly Erickson
species 178.
Count  2
Colby Baker
species 179.
Count  2
Michael Webster
species 180.
Count  2
Jason Schisler
species 181.
Count  1
Kevin Brown
species 182.
Count  1
Edward McFadden
species 183.
Count  1
Oliver Bracko
species 184.
Count  1
Oliver Bracko
species 185.
Count  1
Alex G.
species 186.
Count  1
Luis Gonzalez
species 187.
Count  2
Luis Gonzalez
species 188.
Count  1
Hannah O’Carroll
species 189.
Count  3
Luis Gonzalez
species 190.
Count  1
nomadbirder 2018
species 191.
Count  3
Max Roberts
species 192.
Count  1
Debbie Segal
species 193.
Count  2
Debbie Segal
species 194.
Count  1
nomadbirder 2018
species 195.
Count  1
Adam Kent
species 196.
Count  1
Kimber Godfrey
species 197.
Count  1
Luis Gonzalez
species 198.
Count  10
Bryant Roberts
species 199.
Count  X
Bryant Roberts
species 200.
Count  X
Bryant Roberts
species 201.
Count  1
Jason Hedges
species 202.
Count  1
Russell Duerksen
species 203.
Count  X
Lisa Scheppke
species 204.
Count  1
Jessy Wilson
species 205.
Count  2
Jason Horn
species 206.
Count  1
Martyn Stewart
species 207.
Count  2
Martyn Stewart
species 208.
Count  1
Bob Showler
species 209.
Count  1
Luis Gonzalez
species 210.
Count  10
Bob Showler
species 211.
Count  1
Bob Showler
species 212.
Count  1
Stephen Paez
species 213.
Count  1
Bob Showler
species 214.
Count  1
Bob Showler
species 215.
Count  1
Luis Gles
species 216.
Count  1
Bob Showler
species 217.
Count  1
Larry Manfredi
species 218.
Count  2
Bob Showler
species 219.
Count  1
Harold Erland
species 220.
Count  1
Jason Horn
species 221.
Count  1
Bryan White
species 222.
Count  1
Bryan White
species 223.
Count  2
Bob Showler
species 224.
Count  1
Bob Showler
species 225.
Count  1
Bob Showler
species 226.
Count  1
Adam Kent
species 227.
Count  1
Calvin Rees
species 228.
Count  1
Ben Machado
species 229.
Count  2
Katelyn Luff
species 230.
Count  1
Adam Kent
species 231.
Count  1
Ted Judy
species 232.
Count  1
Tim Johnson
species 233.
Count  X
Cecilia Whelan
species 234.
Count  1
Kevin Gallagher
species 235.
Count  1
Amy Washuta
species 236.
Count  2
Bob Showler
species 237.
Count  1
Skye Haas
species 238.
Count  1
Kyle Lindemer
species 239.
Count  1
Bob Showler
species 240.

Muscovy Duck

Count  X
Paul Pratt
species 241.
Count  1
Glen Davis
species 242.
Count  1
Bob Showler
species 243.
Count  1
Bob Showler
species 244.
Count  1
Ryne Rutherford
species 245.
Count  1
Flamingo Rangers
species 246.
Count  1
Flamingo Rangers
species 247.
Count  3
Audrey Whitlock
species 248.
Count  1
Tony Frank
species 249.
Count  1
David Diller
species 250.
Count  2
Carlos Sanchez
species 251.
Count  1
Judd Patterson
species 252.
Count  1
Kayo Roy
species 253.
Count  1
Eugeni Capella
species 254.
Count  1
Gil Ewing
species 255.
Count  1
Bill Boeringer
species 256.
Count  X
Tamie Bulow
species 257.
Count  1
Ron Smith
species 258.
Count  1
Ron Smith
species 259.
Count  1
Matt Hafner
species 260.
Count  1
Ron Smith
species 261.
Count  1
FOS Records Committee
species 262.
Count  1
Bruce Neville
species 263.
Count  1
bruce paige

Exotic: Provisional

species 264.

Red Junglefowl

Count  1
John Spranza
species 265.

White-cheeked Pintail

Count  1
David Goodwin

Exotic: Escapee

Rose-ringed Parakeet

Count  1
Daniel Newberry


Count  2
Gil Ewing

Scarlet Ibis

Count  X
Paul Myers


White x Scarlet Ibis (hybrid)

Count  1
CK Borg

Additional taxa

shorebird sp.

Count  1000
Luis Gonzalez

American/Fish Crow

Count  4
Leena Wang

swallow sp.

Count  10
Leena Wang

gull sp.

Count  1
Jodi Chambers

tern sp.

Count  3
Jodi Chambers

Sterna sp.

Count  X
Matthew VanDyk

bird sp.

Count  1
Ellen Zimmerli

duck sp.

Count  1000
Tobin Master

Tringa sp.

Count  150
Christopher Moser-Purdy

heron sp.

Count  1
Brandon Michael Lowden

peep sp.

Count  1600
Caleb Strand

Buteo sp.

Count  1
Myriam Couture

Short-billed/Long-billed Dowitcher

Count  6
Yi-Ying Lee

white egret sp.

Count  30
Hannes Leonard

hawk sp.

Count  2
Tabitha Olsen

Lesser/Greater Yellowlegs

Count  8
Dana LaVanture

new world vulture sp.

Count  4
Sam Manning

woodpecker sp.

Count  1
Sam Manning

grackle sp.

Count  1
Sam Manning

passerine sp.

Count  14
Sam Manning

Gray-cheeked/Bicknell's Thrush

Count  1
Anonymous eBirder

new world warbler sp.

Count  1
Palm Warbler

Yellow-crowned/Black-crowned Night Heron

Count  X
Amy Rodriguez

crow sp.

Count  1
Holly Erickson

new world sparrow sp.

Count  1
Mark Songer

Sharp-shinned/Cooper's Hawk

Count  1
Adam Kent

Western/Semipalmated Sandpiper

Count  2
Steve Knapp

cormorant sp.

Count  4
Kelly McDowell

Accipiter sp.

Count  1
Nancy Fonzen

new world flycatcher sp.

Count  1
Jim Levitt

King/Clapper Rail

Count  2
Jason Horn

Cliff/Cave Swallow

Count  4
Robert Kasuboski

Nelson's/Saltmarsh Sparrow (Sharp-tailed Sparrow)

Count  4
Marcello Gomes

Louisiana/Northern Waterthrush

Count  1
Gina Kent

blackbird sp.

Count  4
Doug Gochfeld

gull/tern sp.

Count  30
Scott Denkers

Empidonax sp.

Count  1
Bob Showler

nightjar sp.

Count  1
Marshall Iliff

Forster's/Common Tern

Count  6
Scott Braid

nighthawk sp.

Count  2
Richard Knapton