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Ooms Conservation Area at Sutherland Pond


Observations - Last seen - Sorted by Date descending

species 1.
Count  1
Marian Krauskopf
species 2.
Count  1
Marian Sole
species 3.
Count  1
Marian Sole
species 4.
Count  4
Marian Sole
species 5.
Count  1
Marian Sole
species 6.
Count  2
Marian Sole
species 7.
Count  2
Marian Sole
species 8.
Count  2
Marian Sole
species 9.
Count  1
Marian Sole
species 10.
Count  2
Marian Sole
species 11.
Count  1
Marian Sole
species 12.
Count  1
Marian Sole
species 13.
Count  3
Marian Sole
species 14.
Count  13
Marian Sole
species 15.
Count  1
Marian Sole
species 16.
Count  6
Marian Sole
species 17.
Count  2
Marian Sole
species 18.
Count  5
Marian Sole
species 19.
Count  3
Marian Sole
species 20.
Count  4
Marian Sole
species 21.
Count  5
Marian Sole
species 22.
Count  9
Marian Sole
species 23.
Count  4
Marian Sole
species 24.
Count  1
Marian Sole
species 25.
Count  1
Marian Sole
species 26.
Count  5
Marian Sole
species 27.
Count  2
Marian Sole
species 28.
Count  4
Marian Sole
species 29.
Count  2
Marian Sole
species 30.
Count  2
Marian Sole
species 31.
Count  2
Marian Sole
species 32.
Count  1
Marian Sole
species 33.
Count  4
Larry Steele
species 34.
Count  1
Larry Steele
species 35.
Count  2
Larry Steele
species 36.
Count  1
Larry Steele
species 37.
Count  2
Larry Steele
species 38.
Count  2
Larry Steele
species 39.

European Starling

Count  3
Larry Steele
species 40.
Count  1
Larry Steele
species 41.
Count  1
Larry Steele
species 42.
Count  1
Maddie Hannon
species 43.
Count  1
Larry Steele
species 44.
Count  1
Larry Steele
species 45.
Count  1
Larry Steele
species 46.

House Finch

Count  4
Larry Steele
species 47.
Count  2
Larry Steele
species 48.
Count  2
Christopher Franks
species 49.
Count  1
Christopher Franks
species 50.
Count  1
Frank Smith
species 51.
Count  1
Marian Sole
species 52.
Count  3
Marian Sole
species 53.
Count  1
Larry Steele
species 54.

Rock Pigeon

Count  6
Mayuko Fujino
species 55.
Count  7
Mayuko Fujino
species 56.

House Sparrow

Count  1
Mayuko Fujino
species 57.
Count  1
Mayuko Fujino
species 58.
Count  1
Mayuko Fujino
species 59.
Count  1
Larry Steele
species 60.
Count  7
Larry Steele
species 61.
Count  1
Larry Steele
species 62.
Count  1
Larry Steele
species 63.
Count  1
Eve Waterman
species 64.
Count  3
Lynne Harding
species 65.
Count  1
Lynne Harding
species 66.
Count  2
Lynne Harding
species 67.
Count  1
Lynne Harding
species 68.
Count  1
Lynne Harding
species 69.
Count  1
Joan Scheu
species 70.
Count  1
Joe Weisbord
species 71.
Count  1
Barbara Sylvester
species 72.
Count  2
Alan Drogin
species 73.
Count  1
Alan Drogin
species 74.
Count  1
Alan Drogin
species 75.
Count  1
Alan Drogin
species 76.
Count  1
Alan Drogin
species 77.
Count  1
Alan Drogin
species 78.
Count  1
Barbara Sylvester
species 79.
Count  1
Barbara Sylvester
species 80.
Count  1
Alan Drogin
species 81.
Count  1
Alan Drogin
species 82.
Count  1
Alan Drogin
species 83.
Count  1
Lynne Harding
species 84.
Count  1
Lynne Harding
species 85.
Count  1
Pooja Jayaraman
species 86.
Count  1
Pooja Jayaraman
species 87.
Count  1
Frank Klotz
species 88.
Count  1
species 89.
Count  1
Matt Walter
species 90.
Count  3
Thomas Acri
species 91.
Count  3
Alan Drogin
species 92.
Count  1
John Felton
species 93.
Count  1
John Felton
species 94.
Count  1
Lynne Harding
species 95.
Count  1
David Harrison
species 96.
Count  2
David Harrison
species 97.
Count  1
David Harrison
species 98.
Count  1
David Harrison
species 99.
Count  1
Marian Sole
species 100.
Count  2
Marian Sole
species 101.
Count  2
Marian Sole
species 102.
Count  1
Eric Losh
species 103.
Count  1
Eric Losh
species 104.
Count  1
Christopher Chang
species 105.
Count  1
Sara Ogger
species 106.
Count  42
Joan Scheu
species 107.
Count  3
Joan Scheu
species 108.
Count  1
Joan Scheu
species 109.
Count  1
Anonymous eBirder
species 110.
Count  3
Larry Steele
species 111.
Count  1
Jonathan Pierce
species 112.
Count  3
Larry Steele
species 113.
Count  1
Anonymous eBirder
species 114.
Count  1
Larry Steele
species 115.
Count  1
David Harrison
species 116.
Count  1
Jeff Gagnon
species 117.
Count  1
Joan Scheu
species 118.
Count  1
Joan Scheu
species 119.
Count  1
Joan Scheu
species 120.
Count  1
Marian Sole
species 121.
Count  1
Kristin Ellington
species 122.
Count  1
Tom Younkin
species 123.
Count  1
Tom Younkin
species 124.
Count  1
Tonnie Sauca
species 125.
Count  1
Tonnie Sauca
species 126.
Count  1
Lynne Harding
species 127.
Count  1
Debra Ferguson
species 128.
Count  1
Debra Ferguson
species 129.
Count  1
David Harrison
species 130.
Count  6
Larry Steele
species 131.
Count  1
Anonymous eBirder
species 132.
Count  1
Joan Scheu
species 133.
Count  1
David Harrison
species 134.
Count  2
David Harrison
species 135.
Count  1
David Harrison
species 136.
Count  1
Tom Younkin
species 137.
Count  1
Scott Schwenk
species 138.
Count  5
Ezra McIlvain
species 139.
Count  1
Pammi Price
species 140.
Count  1
Larry Steele
species 141.
Count  2
Noah Henkenius
species 142.
Count  1
Anonymous eBirder
species 143.
Count  1
Mike Birmingham
species 144.
Count  1
Larry Steele
species 145.
Count  1
John Gaglione
species 146.
Count  1
Greg Harrington
species 147.
Count  2
Greg Harrington
species 148.
Count  3
Jeremy Collison
species 149.
Count  1
Jeremy Collison
species 150.
Count  1
David Harrison
species 151.
Count  1
Matthew Rymkiewicz
species 152.
Count  1
Nandi Levine
species 153.
Count  1
Nick Schleissmann
species 154.
Count  1
Lynne Harding
species 155.
Count  1
Lynne Harding
species 156.
Count  1
Lynne Harding
species 157.
Count  1
Lynne Harding
species 158.
Count  1
Marian Sole
species 159.
Count  2
Brian Hardiman
species 160.
Count  1
Tom O'Dowd
species 161.
Count  1
graichen & recer
species 162.
Count  1
Anonymous eBirder
species 163.
Count  2
William Cook
species 164.
Count  7
Dan Lynch
species 165.
Count  2
Kathryn Schneider
species 166.
Count  1
Michael N
species 167.
Count  1
Michael N
species 168.
Count  1
Anonymous eBirder
species 169.
Count  2
Marian Sole
species 170.

Mute Swan

Count  1
Marian Sole
species 171.
Count  1
Marian Sole
species 172.
Count  1
Conor Shea
species 173.
Count  1
Marian Sole
species 174.
Count  1
Marian Sole
species 175.
Count  16
Marian Sole
species 176.
Count  1
Heidi Bock
species 177.
Count  4
David Harrison
species 178.
Count  23
Charles and Ellen Kieweg

Exotic: Escapee

Ring-necked Pheasant

Count  1
graichen & recer


Mallard x American Black Duck (hybrid)

Count  1
Anonymous eBirder

Additional taxa

Buteo sp.

Count  1
Alan Drogin

Empidonax sp.

Count  1
Alan Drogin

Alder/Willow Flycatcher (Traill's Flycatcher)

Count  1
David Harrison

new world sparrow sp.

Count  1
Kendra Smith-Howard

Domestic goose sp. (Domestic type)

Count  2
Sara Ogger

duck sp.

Count  2
Marc Pusey

diurnal raptor sp.

Count  2
Marc Pusey

Sharp-shinned/Cooper's Hawk

Count  1
Max Glines

new world warbler sp.

Count  1
Craig Fosdick

gull sp.

Count  1
Tom Glover

blackbird sp.

Count  65
Wendi Haugh

finch sp.

Count  75
Tony Dvorak

passerine sp.

Count  5
Jules Wagner

Greater/Lesser Scaup

Count  1
Ernst Mutchnick

Accipiter sp.

Count  1
Suzy Feustel

bird sp.

Count  15
Chris McCarthy

House/Purple Finch

Count  1
Lynne Harding

falcon sp.

Count  1
Steve Mesick

woodpecker sp.

Count  1
Steve Mesick

Acanthis/Spinus sp.

Count  3
John McBride

Spizella sp.

Count  1
John McBride

hawk sp.

Count  1
Mike Birmingham

swallow sp.

Count  40
Peggy Holland