• Northern Flicker ML70215111

    Tricky Coding V: Understanding the F (Flyover) Code

    There’s one Breeding Code on the list that doesn’t really have anything to do with breeding, and that’s F (Flyover). Birds coded as F are treated as “Observed” in the atlas context – occurring in the block but not warranting a breeding code.

  • African Golden-Weaver ML290513111

    Oops! Top 10 Atlas Coding Errors & New Code Reinterpretation Process

    As the season starts to slow down and we all begin to review our checklists collected during 2017, we thought it would be informative to share with everyone the results of the data review of 2015 and 2016 data.  In general, we’re seeing lots of good information rolling in, but there are a few common pitfalls that everyone should be aware of.

  • Introducing the Acceptable Breeding Codes Chart

    Wondering how to code a certain behavior for a certain species? You asked for it, here it is — a complete guide to which codes are good for which species and which aren't.

  • Tricky Codes IV: Atlasing season is almost over, but not yet!

    There is still plenty of activity and atlas codes to be found, especially confirmations. Although it’s not as easy to assume breeding as it has been for the past couple months, atlasers will still be rewarded with confirmations for the next couple weeks.

  • Tricky Coding Part II - Don't Code Me!!

    Although we're now in the prime of breeding season, not everything using appropriate habitat should be given codes. Exceptions include gulls, terns, pelicans, cormorants, herons, waterfowl, shorebirds, raptors, and some songbirds.