Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas II - Kickoff Meeting

By Nick Anich 12 Dec 2014
Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas II – Kickoff Meeting
February 27 – March 1, 2015
Stoney Creek Hotel, Rothschild, WI

In 1995, the first Atlas was started. This project involved over 1,600 observers, who amassed more than 170,000 observations of 237 species. Twenty years later, it’s time to do it again in order to ensure we have the information necessary to conserve our breeding birds, an integral part of Wisconsin.

Meeting Highlights:
Field Trips
Atlas training
WBBA I History
Data-entry instruction
Info on climate change and atlases
Keynote speaker: eBird’s Chris Wood


Friday evening: Birds and Beers!!

Saturday: Morning field trip with Chris Wood, Presentations from 10:00 to 5:00.

Sunday: Morning bird walk with Chris Wood, Presentations 8:30 to noon.
Who should attend?
Wisconsin bird lovers, including but not limited to:
  • Prospective Atlasers
  • Users of Atlas data
  • Agency staff
  • Atlas County Coordinators
For more information: