• Big Atlas Weekend 2024

    Join this friendly competition between Pennsylvania atlasers and among six other Atlas projects to collect data on breeding birds!

  • Let's Connect!

    Join us over Zoom for Atlas Town Hall events!

  • April Atlasing Spotlight: Owls, Backyard Birds, and the First Warbler!

    It’s April – the start of the peak breeding season in Pennsylvania! If you’ve been holding off on atlasing, now’s the time to get outside with your binoculars to get familiar with the areas you’ll be atlasing in and to check off early spring breeders.

  • House Sparrow ML611004228

    February Atlasing Spotlight: Rock Pigeons and House Sparrows

    A little over a month into the year, the very early breeders are still active and breeding season is drawing near for a few other species, but overall it remains a relatively quiet time for Atlasing. Here’s what you can focus on in February.

  • Bald Eagle ML504572321

    January Atlasing Spotlight: Great Horned Owls, Bald Eagles, and Barred Owls

    January Atlasing Spotlight January 1, 2024, marked the beginning of the Third Pennsylvania Bird Atlas. A handful of species are breeding, and therefore countable for the Atlas, in mid-January: Great Horned Owl, Rock Pigeon, Red Crossbill, and Barred Owl are all in ‘Breeding Only’ dates on the Breeding Guidelines Chart (otherwise known as ‘safe dates’), […]

  • We are hiring technicians!

    The PA Bird Atlas is hiring four point count technicians and one point count crew leader for spring/summer 2024. We are looking for candidates who are skilled in identifying Pennsylvania birds, are comfortable working independently and traveling around the state, and are really excited about birds and birding!