Updated 92 min ago.

0  Checklists 0  Atlasers

All Blocks Priority Blocks
Total Blocks 5710 1815
Blocks with Data 5428
Complete Blocks 1663
Species Coded 661 0
Species Confirmed 0


Obsv Poss Prob Conf Obsv Poss Prob Conf
Black-bellied Whistling-Duck 16 1 5
Snow Goose 737 12 3 269 3 2
Ross's Goose 61 1 24
Snow x Ross's Goose (hybrid) 6 1
Snow/Ross's Goose 8 3
Graylag Goose 31 3 2 14 1 1
Swan Goose 10 4
Graylag x Swan Goose (hybrid) 4 2
Greater White-fronted Goose 97 30
Tundra Bean-Goose 4 1
Pink-footed Goose 18 6
Domestic goose sp. (Domestic type) 123 4 2 6 46 3 2 4
Brant 293 9 5 101 2 2
Snow Goose x Brant (hybrid) 3
Barnacle Goose 14 5
Cackling Goose 297 1 109 1
Greater White-fronted x Cackling Goose (hybrid) 1 1
Barnacle x Cackling Goose (hybrid) 6 4
Canada Goose 789 409 485 2404 148 163 174 1090
Swan Goose x Canada Goose (hybrid) 4 1
Greater White-fronted x Canada Goose (hybrid) 7 4
Graylag x Canada Goose (hybrid) 12
Domestic goose sp. x Canada Goose (hybrid) 17 1 6
Snow x Canada Goose (hybrid) 24 13
Barnacle x Canada Goose (hybrid) 1 1
Cackling/Canada Goose 67 2 24
Branta sp. 1 1
Mute Swan 276 46 50 285 82 20 18 101
Black Swan 1
Trumpeter Swan 127 23 44 26 37 9 24 12
Tundra Swan 299 8 5 109 3
Trumpeter/Tundra Swan 56 20
Whooper Swan 1
swan sp. 99 5 33 2
goose sp. 110 1 1 46
Egyptian Goose 1
Muscovy Duck 42 1 1 18 1
Wood Duck 570 419 678 1106 140 210 285 552
Mandarin Duck 3
Blue-winged Teal 355 34 119 11 128 19 48 5
Cinnamon Teal 1
Blue-winged/Cinnamon Teal 1
Northern Shoveler 357 10 65 3 120 3 24 2
Blue-winged Teal x Northern Shoveler (hybrid) 1 1
Gadwall 428 21 111 15 134 8 39 5
Eurasian Wigeon 47 1 14 1
American Wigeon 563 20 75 2 181 5 25 2
Eurasian x American Wigeon (hybrid) 8 3
Eurasian/American Wigeon 2 1
Mallard 706 498 1044 1078 156 234 459 499
Muscovy Duck x Mallard (hybrid) 3 2
Wood Duck x Mallard (hybrid) 2 1
Gadwall x Mallard (hybrid) 1 1
American Black Duck 931 163 249 107 330 80 100 40
Mallard x American Black Duck (hybrid) 233 9 10 5 79 2 6 3
Mallard/American Black Duck 160 9 3 4 67 3 2
Mottled Duck 1 1 1
Northern Pintail 493 8 42 176 3 17
Mallard x Northern Pintail (hybrid) 6 3
Green-winged Teal 634 46 180 13 230 22 66 10
Blue-winged x Green-winged Teal (hybrid) 1
Anas sp. 2
teal sp. 35 18
dabbling duck sp. 100 2 2 34 1
Red-crested Pochard 1
Canvasback 198 4 7 58 2 5
Redhead 315 14 25 5 102 5 7 3
Canvasback x Redhead (hybrid) 8 2
Ring-necked Duck 871 53 213 17 309 22 91 12
Redhead x Ring-necked Duck (hybrid) 6 3
Tufted Duck 32 8
Greater Scaup 474 7 11 151 1 6
Ring-necked Duck x Greater Scaup (hybrid) 1 1
Lesser Scaup 523 14 19 180 8 7
Redhead x Lesser Scaup (hybrid) 2 2
Ring-necked Duck x Lesser Scaup (hybrid) 1
Canvasback x scaup sp. (hybrid) 1
Redhead x scaup sp. (hybrid) 8 2
Ring-necked Duck x scaup sp. (hybrid) 5 2
Tufted Duck x scaup sp. (hybrid) 2
Greater/Lesser Scaup 320 2 3 108 2 2
Aythya sp. 80 31
King Eider 32 9
Common Eider 67 3 7 3 17 1 2
eider sp. 1 1
Harlequin Duck 35 4 2 8 1 1
Surf Scoter 201 1 63 1
White-winged Scoter 303 2 93 1
Black Scoter 187 3 3 54 1 1
Surf/Black Scoter 52 16
scoter sp. 86 24
Long-tailed Duck 415 6 11 125 6
Bufflehead 937 47 184 321 17 74
Common Goldeneye 528 22 61 17 164 9 23 7
Barrow's Goldeneye 38 2 10 1
Common x Barrow's Goldeneye (hybrid) 5 1
Common/Barrow's Goldeneye 6 2
Hooded Merganser 829 256 422 336 270 136 178 176
Common Goldeneye x Hooded Merganser (hybrid) 3 2
Common Merganser 935 290 422 331 279 164 188 157
Red-breasted Merganser 525 28 91 2 156 11 31 1
Common/Red-breasted Merganser 105 1 1 39
merganser sp. 5 3
Ruddy Duck 356 20 17 1 114 8 8 1
duck sp. 755 21 4 18 287 12 3 5
waterfowl sp. 14 3 1 4 2
Helmeted Guineafowl 15 1 6 1
Northern Bobwhite 30 15 8 1 10 4 5
California Quail 1
Wild Turkey 667 981 542 1195 154 462 237 546
Ruffed Grouse 221 325 631 400 66 149 349 221
Spruce Grouse 1 1 2 3 1 1
Ruffed/Spruce Grouse 6 1 4
grouse sp. 2
Golden Pheasant 1
Ring-necked Pheasant 225 126 65 14 74 64 28 2
Ring-necked/Green Pheasant 1 1
Indian Peafowl 10 1 1 5
Red Junglefowl 4
Chukar 12 1 2
American Flamingo 2
Pied-billed Grebe 454 164 64 80 155 70 35 33
Horned Grebe 441 6 5 1 137 1 4
Red-necked Grebe 185 2 67 2
Eared Grebe 21 10
Horned/Eared Grebe 5 4
Western Grebe 9 4
grebe sp. 11 6
Rock Pigeon 901 843 638 509 183 352 371 333
Columba sp. 1
Eurasian Collared-Dove 6 4
African Collared-Dove 2 1
Streptopelia sp. 5 2
White-winged Dove 8 2
Mourning Dove 432 1200 1558 1113 18 204 757 629
pigeon/dove sp. 8
Yellow-billed Cuckoo 301 959 337 101 81 518 163 48
Black-billed Cuckoo 281 919 221 82 83 500 129 45
Yellow-billed/Black-billed Cuckoo 142 39 2 1 65 20 2 1
Coccyzus sp. 1 1
cuckoo sp. (Cuculidae sp.) 2 1
Common Nighthawk 545 86 26 5 192 32 11 3
Chuck-will's-widow 5 4 3 1 2 1 1
Eastern Whip-poor-will 36 178 103 7 9 67 47 3
Chimney Swift 796 813 491 135 236 422 241 69
Ruby-throated Hummingbird 724 1424 603 319 165 808 344 157
Black-chinned Hummingbird 1
Calliope Hummingbird 1
Rufous Hummingbird 11 1 2
Allen's Hummingbird 1
Rufous/Allen's Hummingbird 1
hummingbird sp. 6 2
King Rail 3 1 1 1
Clapper Rail 18 20 11 23 4 6 5 7
King x Clapper Rail (hybrid) 1
King/Clapper Rail 2
large rail sp. 3
Virginia Rail 124 257 221 102 44 126 100 47
Sora 77 133 50 14 19 63 21 4
Common Gallinule 78 70 54 87 29 27 21 43
American Coot 263 35 16 9 93 11 8 4
Purple Gallinule 6 3
Yellow Rail 1 1
Black Rail 1
rail/crake sp. 4 2
Limpkin 1 1 1
Sandhill Crane 192 31 30 47 73 14 12 22
Black-necked Stilt 3 1 3
American Avocet 33 9
American Oystercatcher 50 8 25 51 17 7 13
Black-bellied Plover 210 4 2 66 1 1
American Golden-Plover 116 1 39
American/Pacific Golden-Plover (Lesser Golden-Plover) 1
Black-bellied Plover/golden-plover sp. 7 3
Killdeer 615 848 540 917 110 363 259 489
Common Ringed Plover 3 1
Semipalmated Plover 371 19 3 126 9 2
Common Ringed/Semipalmated Plover 1
Piping Plover 19 4 5 58 8 1 2 13
Northern Lapwing 1
Snowy Plover 1
small plover sp. 1
plover sp. 6 2
Upland Sandpiper 40 6 6 4 17 1 1 1
Whimbrel 94 23
Long-billed Curlew 1
Bar-tailed Godwit 1
Hudsonian Godwit 31 9
Marbled Godwit 30 5
Short-billed Dowitcher 158 7 1 49 2 1
Long-billed Dowitcher 49 1 14
Short-billed/Long-billed Dowitcher 35 9
American Woodcock 226 277 1018 111 66 132 514 54
Wilson's Snipe 316 151 437 10 102 76 224 5
Wilson's Phalarope 41 2 15 1
Red Phalarope 10 1 3 1
Red-necked Phalarope 43 12
Red/Red-necked Phalarope 3 1
phalarope sp. 4
Spotted Sandpiper 631 557 290 167 203 288 128 67
Solitary Sandpiper 949 139 27 2 387 66 11 1
Lesser Yellowlegs 575 16 4 1 208 4 2
Willet 64 10 31 26 13 3 13 6
Greater Yellowlegs 719 27 5 265 12
Lesser/Greater Yellowlegs 155 4 55 2
Tringa sp. 5 2
Ruddy Turnstone 159 3 1 52 2
Red Knot 52 1 11 1
Ruff 6 2
Curlew Sandpiper 2 1
Stilt Sandpiper 89 1 23 1
Red-necked Stint 1
Buff-breasted Sandpiper 44 18
Sanderling 178 2 2 54 1
Dunlin 235 10 1 79 3 1
Purple Sandpiper 43 1 1 12
Baird's Sandpiper 93 1 31
White-rumped Sandpiper 117 38
Dunlin x White-rumped Sandpiper (hybrid) 1 1
Least Sandpiper 634 21 4 218 8 3
Pectoral Sandpiper 241 8 92 1
Western Sandpiper 31 9
Semipalmated Sandpiper 366 12 4 120 3 2
Western/Semipalmated Sandpiper 7 3
peep sp. 274 6 1 94 2 1
Calidris sp. 7 3
Scolopacidae sp. 1
large shorebird sp. 4 1
shorebird sp. 289 10 104 6
Long-tailed Jaeger 8 2
Parasitic Jaeger 41 11
Long-tailed/Parasitic Jaeger 3 1
Pomarine Jaeger 10 4
Parasitic/Pomarine Jaeger 1 1
South Polar Skua 1
jaeger sp. 10 5
Black Guillemot 4 1
Razorbill 64 1 15
Dovekie 16 6
Thick-billed Murre 12 3
Common Murre 5 2
large alcid sp. 5 3
alcid sp. 1
Little Gull 56 24
Black-legged Kittiwake 48 11
Sabine's Gull 9 5
Bonaparte's Gull 474 11 2 156 4
Black-headed Gull 33 9
Laughing Gull 208 16 11 26 61 5 3 7
Franklin's Gull 16 1 4
Heermann's Gull 2
Common Gull 5 2
Short-billed Gull 5 2
Ring-billed Gull 1634 309 54 60 585 126 21 20
Herring Gull 959 169 53 75 328 62 19 23
Great Black-backed Gull 457 58 13 44 151 16 6 13
Herring x Great Black-backed Gull (hybrid) 6 1 2
Glaucous Gull 116 36
Herring x Glaucous Gull (hybrid) 7 1
Great Black-backed x Glaucous Gull (hybrid) 1
Lesser Black-backed Gull 247 7 77 2
Herring x Lesser Black-backed Gull (hybrid) 11 1
Herring/Lesser Black-backed Gull 2 1
California Gull 2
Glaucous-winged Gull 2 1
Slaty-backed Gull 4
Iceland Gull 183 53
Herring/Iceland Gull 2
white-winged gull sp. 7 3
Larus sp. 355 3 1 116 1
gull sp. 690 14 2 239 8
Black Skimmer 55 9 5 9 18 1 1 3
Sooty Tern 7 2
Sooty/Bridled Tern 1
Least Tern 66 8 16 62 15 3 8 17
Gull-billed Tern 11 2 2 5 1 1
Caspian Tern 426 54 20 49 146 23 5 21
Black Tern 118 12 4 15 39 7 1 7
White-winged Tern 1 1
Forster's Tern 146 8 12 39 50 5 5 9
Arctic Tern 20 5
Common Tern 282 42 29 95 94 14 14 24
Forster's/Common Tern 85 1 30 1
Common/Arctic Tern 5 1
Roseate Tern 35 4 3 9 9 1 1 1
Sterna sp. 93 2 31 1
Sandwich Tern 5 2
Royal Tern 79 3 17 3
Thalasseus sp. 1
large tern sp. 3
tern sp. 109 1 37 1
gull/tern sp. 4 2
Red-throated Loon 264 5 1 88 2
Pacific Loon 9 4
Common Loon 772 213 134 156 271 89 61 63
Common/Yellow-billed Loon 1 1
loon sp. 85 27
Wilson's Storm-Petrel 29 8
Leach's Storm-Petrel 1
Band-rumped Storm-Petrel 1
storm-petrel sp. (white-rumped) 1
storm-petrel sp. 4 1
Northern Fulmar 1
Cory's Shearwater 30 9
Great Shearwater 29 9
Cory's/Great Shearwater 14 5
Sooty Shearwater 20 9
Manx Shearwater 12 1 5
black-and-white shearwater sp. 3 1
shearwater sp. 19 7
Wood Stork 11 4
Magnificent Frigatebird 4 2
Northern Gannet 106 28
Brown Booby 13 4
sulid sp. 1 1
Anhinga 4
Great Cormorant 114 2 1 34 1 1
Double-crested Cormorant 1045 296 46 106 371 116 18 33
Great/Double-crested Cormorant 5 2
Neotropic Cormorant 9 3
Double-crested/Neotropic Cormorant 3 2
cormorant sp. 46 1 12 1
American White Pelican 38 1 11
Brown Pelican 30 9
pelican sp. 1 1
American Bittern 166 248 104 24 64 118 53 14
Least Bittern 43 129 41 23 19 54 20 10
Yellow-crowned Night Heron 66 12 2 28 17 3 9
Black-crowned Night Heron 235 62 14 50 78 21 6 20
Yellow-crowned/Black-crowned Night Heron 8 2
Little Blue Heron 96 6 1 3 30 2 2
Tricolored Heron 33 3 1 1 14 1
Snowy Egret 148 28 9 6 48 9 5 1
Green Heron 685 911 225 306 181 499 116 157
Western Cattle Egret 55 2 1 17 1
Great Egret 746 161 32 25 268 54 16 8
Great Blue Heron 1519 1284 129 365 470 700 57 161
heron sp. 32 12
white egret sp. 21 7
White Ibis 11 6
Glossy Ibis 139 21 7 9 50 7 1 3
White-faced Ibis 11 4
Glossy x White-faced Ibis (hybrid) 1
Glossy/White-faced Ibis 24 8
ibis sp. 1 1
Roseate Spoonbill 15 4
Black Vulture 504 118 45 11 174 46 21 5
Turkey Vulture 2117 1702 263 82 551 921 144 40
new world vulture sp. 9 1 5
Osprey 787 386 80 892 293 189 41 312
Swallow-tailed Kite 16 1 4
Golden Eagle 210 1 1 73 1
Mississippi Kite 21 1 6
Northern Harrier 933 351 107 51 317 173 44 24
Sharp-shinned Hawk 1041 332 61 93 375 175 32 57
Cooper's Hawk 1112 614 159 275 349 364 73 131
Sharp-shinned/Cooper's Hawk 350 32 1 1 142 16 1
American Goshawk 58 28 8 18 25 15 4 10
Cooper's Hawk/American Goshawk 3 1 3
Accipiter sp. 302 13 1 2 139 6 1 2
Bald Eagle 1529 530 223 587 491 264 99 239
Golden/Bald Eagle 13 4
Red-shouldered Hawk 618 456 237 142 191 252 118 78
Broad-winged Hawk 881 990 424 293 270 529 241 169
Swainson's Hawk 15 3
Red-tailed Hawk 937 1064 606 1021 173 481 253 509
Red-shouldered x Red-tailed Hawk (hybrid) 2
Rough-legged Hawk 478 6 1 185 2
Ferruginous Hawk 4 1
Buteo sp. 334 4 2 4 138 2 2 2
hawk sp. 426 14 3 5 180 10 1 1
eagle sp. 18 8
Barn Owl 6 1 5 3 3
Eastern Screech-Owl 229 320 123 84 65 153 59 33
Snowy Owl 96 3 30 2
Great Horned Owl 218 331 258 238 69 168 115 95
Eurasian Eagle-Owl 2
Barred Owl 301 789 480 259 77 389 257 142
Long-eared Owl 18 12 1 1 7 6
Short-eared Owl 124 21 7 2 48 8 3 1
Asio sp. 1 1
Boreal Owl 1
Northern Saw-whet Owl 69 79 15 7 19 53 6 3
owl sp. 56 7 1 1 30 3 1
Belted Kingfisher 878 1254 561 472 204 624 285 276
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 682 1113 673 1023 174 400 346 646
Red-headed Woodpecker 144 54 29 60 46 22 12 29
Red-bellied Woodpecker 530 1221 510 1023 56 505 241 535
Melanerpes sp. 1 1
Black-backed Woodpecker 22 48 25 23 6 23 13 9
Downy Woodpecker 663 1376 674 1334 70 520 321 770
Hairy Woodpecker 651 1396 603 1041 102 607 324 630
Downy/Hairy Woodpecker 337 57 9 6 146 30 5 1
Pileated Woodpecker 636 1587 812 270 102 792 451 138
Northern Flicker 523 1767 939 994 25 585 505 605
woodpecker sp. 494 124 17 13 211 52 8 6
Crested Caracara 3 1
American Kestrel 781 915 545 510 226 359 249 313
Merlin 895 272 143 153 303 126 59 68
Gyrfalcon 5 1 1
Peregrine Falcon 601 59 44 76 209 27 17 21
large falcon sp. 9 2
small falcon sp. 43 16
falcon sp. 72 2 1 1 29 1 1 1
diurnal raptor sp. 188 5 2 1 72 1 1
Cockatiel 5 2
corella/white cockatoo sp. 1
Rose-ringed Parakeet 1 1
Budgerigar 20 8
Gray Parrot 1 1
Monk Parakeet 30 38 9 13
Olive-sided Flycatcher 244 130 32 11 102 61 17 3
Eastern Wood-Pewee 264 1760 1209 515 36 565 736 310
pewee sp. (Contopus sp.) 2 1
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher 298 167 63 11 121 82 35 4
Acadian Flycatcher 68 149 76 36 24 62 39 19
Alder Flycatcher 274 1237 644 140 65 590 439 84
Willow Flycatcher 248 954 506 266 50 429 305 148
Alder/Willow Flycatcher (Traill's Flycatcher) 402 106 8 14 198 58 5 9
Least Flycatcher 468 1472 618 189 121 660 411 123
Hammond's Flycatcher 2
Western Flycatcher 1
Empidonax sp. 484 39 7 13 230 15 3 7
Eastern Phoebe 397 1185 663 1931 39 252 317 1098
Say's Phoebe 4
Ash-throated Flycatcher 10 2
Great Crested Flycatcher 341 1481 979 522 50 649 545 298
Myiarchus sp. 4
Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher 1
Tropical Kingbird 3 1
Tropical/Couch's Kingbird 1
Western Kingbird 13 5
yellow-bellied kingbird sp. 2 2
Eastern Kingbird 425 914 903 1346 55 281 472 751
Gray Kingbird 4 1
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher 4 1
Fork-tailed Flycatcher 4 2
new world flycatcher sp. 310 34 3 5 134 15 1 3
White-eyed Vireo 78 79 21 22 27 32 7 10
Yellow-throated Vireo 263 1006 426 139 62 476 238 87
Blue-headed Vireo 552 1382 748 265 169 540 453 173
Yellow-throated x Blue-headed Vireo (hybrid) 1
solitary vireo sp. 2
Philadelphia Vireo 345 69 4 2 108 32 2 1
Warbling Vireo 271 1445 1057 488 39 461 614 301
Philadelphia/Warbling Vireo 54 2 18
Red-eyed Vireo 223 1387 1823 1138 12 159 894 716
Philadelphia/Red-eyed Vireo 12 9 4 4
vireo sp. 163 30 5 4 71 13 2 3
Loggerhead Shrike 7 5 3
Northern Shrike 193 5 67 2
shrike sp. 1
Canada Jay 18 19 11 34 6 10 6 15
Blue Jay 642 1863 757 1611 21 437 389 940
jay sp. 1 1
Black-billed Magpie 1
American Crow 742 1753 619 1596 53 493 270 875
Fish Crow 408 238 116 202 125 103 39 70
American/Fish Crow 20 1 7
crow sp. 471 36 7 23 165 13 3 12
Common Raven 1211 1267 578 916 237 606 283 483
crow/raven sp. 34 3 2 13 3 1
corvid sp. 4 1
Black-capped Chickadee 469 1332 913 2073 20 149 405 1218
Carolina/Black-capped Chickadee 1
Boreal Chickadee 23 39 14 14 7 24 4 6
chickadee sp. 2 1
Tufted Titmouse 426 1178 689 1143 44 349 384 640
Horned Lark 497 227 157 70 162 89 77 35
Bank Swallow 539 221 66 226 170 122 28 100
Tree Swallow 612 987 532 1535 98 385 258 817
Purple Martin 383 138 50 259 153 67 16 115
Gray-breasted Martin 1
new world martin sp. (Progne sp.) 3 1
Northern Rough-winged Swallow 612 446 248 366 180 240 126 164
Barn Swallow 584 851 484 1841 67 240 207 1004
Cliff Swallow 307 122 31 253 115 72 15 120
Barn x Cliff Swallow (hybrid) 1 2 1
Cave Swallow 7 4
swallow sp. 688 35 6 1 251 19 1
Ruby-crowned Kinglet 1120 1069 254 9 403 508 127 4
Golden-crowned Kinglet 1122 869 207 259 386 402 130 142
Ruby-crowned/Golden-crowned Kinglet 41 1 16
White-breasted Nuthatch 650 1551 790 1090 53 574 428 644
Red-breasted Nuthatch 862 1088 468 495 243 466 276 310
nuthatch sp. 13 4 6 2
Brown Creeper 696 1239 436 316 205 577 255 216
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 384 475 243 280 107 239 99 147
House Wren 231 1178 853 1503 17 234 466 834
Winter Wren 518 1132 553 197 180 471 341 112
Sedge Wren 14 38 29 15 3 19 14 4
Marsh Wren 134 304 161 145 46 119 66 73
Carolina Wren 308 984 670 564 55 377 347 249
wren sp. 46 1 2 17 1
European Starling 478 575 171 2823 47 94 38 1332
Gray Catbird 260 1039 818 2186 12 115 276 1246
Brown Thrasher 394 1093 491 565 80 505 281 339
Sage Thrasher 1
Northern Mockingbird 344 553 308 538 73 210 142 247
mimid sp. 1
Eastern Bluebird 488 690 565 1707 75 226 224 957
Mountain Bluebird 4 2
Townsend's Solitaire 3 1
Varied Thrush 2 1
Veery 435 1308 956 441 97 453 568 300
Gray-cheeked Thrush 225 17 91 4
Bicknell's Thrush 11 23 12 9 3 7 7 3
Gray-cheeked/Bicknell's Thrush 22 1 1 8
Swainson's Thrush 747 335 129 31 294 140 69 17
Hermit Thrush 695 1163 625 326 217 470 393 192
Catharus sp. 196 9 1 3 68 2 1 1
Wood Thrush 272 1601 1072 384 30 595 633 226
American Robin 243 924 505 3321 5 86 108 1574
thrush sp. 71 2 31
Northern Wheatear 4 1
Bohemian Waxwing 44 13
Cedar Waxwing 582 1203 1224 1291 54 303 660 742
Bohemian/Cedar Waxwing 3 1
Northern Red Bishop 1
Yellow-crowned Bishop 1
House Sparrow 480 577 459 1648 59 165 177 870
American Pipit 552 25 3 208 11 1
Evening Grosbeak 392 48 12 6 148 27 2 1
Pine Grosbeak 78 22
House Finch 445 812 650 779 83 335 328 391
Purple Finch 610 1316 681 318 181 639 409 187
House/Purple Finch 133 19 5 5 63 9 1 3
Common Redpoll 651 2 222 2
Hoary Redpoll 46 16
Common/Hoary Redpoll 14 9
redpoll sp. 1
Red Crossbill 311 297 137 75 118 166 58 35
White-winged Crossbill 76 32 27 6 30 13 8 2
crossbill sp. 5 1
European Goldfinch 10 3 1 2 1
Pine Siskin 824 304 102 35 294 140 51 18
American Goldfinch 558 1305 1935 831 47 246 970 463
Spinus sp. 3 2
Acanthis/Spinus sp. 31 1 13
finch sp. 107 41
Lapland Longspur 154 6 56 2
Smith's Longspur 4 1
Snow Bunting 629 2 221
Grasshopper Sparrow 57 131 71 44 12 58 35 24
Chipping Sparrow 298 1225 755 1964 25 204 338 1112
Clay-colored Sparrow 88 35 25 12 29 15 13 8
Field Sparrow 369 1231 695 526 62 445 407 329
Spizella sp. 28 9
Lark Sparrow 31 1 12 1
Lark Bunting 2 1
American Tree Sparrow 1282 121 21 476 49 11
Spizella sp./American Tree Sparrow 7 3
Fox Sparrow 645 210 31 255 90 11
Dark-eyed Junco 1283 1199 526 751 352 488 281 438
White-crowned Sparrow 1012 193 23 407 77 12
Harris's Sparrow 2 1 2
White-throated Sparrow 1050 1432 625 203 309 618 336 125
Dark-eyed Junco x White-throated Sparrow (hybrid) 1 1
White-crowned/White-throated Sparrow 4 1
Vesper Sparrow 237 189 74 22 76 93 35 15
LeConte's Sparrow 4 1 1 1
Seaside Sparrow 15 9 6 15 4 4 5
Nelson's Sparrow 53 6 16 2
Saltmarsh Sparrow 26 14 9 19 6 7 4 6
Nelson's/Saltmarsh Sparrow (Sharp-tailed Sparrow) 13 5
Ammospiza sp. 16 6
Savannah Sparrow 477 938 562 349 134 386 346 227
Henslow's Sparrow 7 4 4 1 3 1 2
Song Sparrow 186 1239 1166 2308 5 86 342 1328
Lincoln's Sparrow 479 93 15 24 187 40 10 10
Swamp Sparrow 424 1332 947 545 101 466 553 342
Lincoln's/Swamp Sparrow 18 1 1 4 1
Spotted Towhee 1
Eastern Towhee 361 1298 967 507 56 440 548 315
Spotted x Eastern Towhee (hybrid) 1
new world sparrow sp. 582 26 3 9 232 10 2 3
Yellow-breasted Chat 47 14 8 1 18 6 3 1
Yellow-headed Blackbird 22 1 8 1
Bobolink 398 553 818 513 95 186 441 336
Western Meadowlark 2 1
Eastern Meadowlark 344 753 398 324 88 320 220 204
Western/Eastern Meadowlark 1
Orchard Oriole 212 351 145 207 64 182 67 94
Baltimore Oriole 267 981 585 1552 26 267 266 869
new world oriole sp. 6 3
Red-winged Blackbird 294 794 1131 2375 18 111 276 1271
Brown-headed Cowbird 479 896 1066 876 55 334 558 459
Rusty Blackbird 609 278 73 10 229 122 32 5
Common Grackle 487 911 441 2516 35 226 149 1275
Boat-tailed Grackle 41 15 12 26 13 3 4 8
grackle sp. 7 2
blackbird sp. 507 7 6 1 195 4 2
Ovenbird 274 1433 1536 635 53 324 847 397
Worm-eating Warbler 107 90 43 46 43 33 22 21
Chipping Sparrow/Worm-eating Warbler 1 1
Louisiana Waterthrush 162 401 203 179 51 171 105 105
Northern Waterthrush 350 835 268 69 120 384 167 45
Louisiana/Northern Waterthrush 77 11 2 33 5 2
Golden-winged Warbler 70 66 35 34 28 30 19 20
Blue-winged Warbler 267 760 341 301 71 358 195 195
Golden-winged x Blue-winged Warbler (hybrid) 32 12 5 10 16 6 3 8
Brewster's Warbler (hybrid) 34 37 15 12 11 21 7 8
Lawrence's Warbler (hybrid) 24 11 5 8 13 6 3 5
Golden-winged/Blue-winged Warbler 79 67 3 3 37 28 3 2
Black-and-white Warbler 509 1432 551 272 143 600 349 179
Prothonotary Warbler 27 22 4 9 11 7 2 5
Swainson's Warbler 1
Tennessee Warbler 749 532 37 1 322 260 19
Orange-crowned Warbler 190 9 71 1
Nashville Warbler 642 905 196 97 241 426 125 63
Connecticut Warbler 68 26
MacGillivray's Warbler 1
Mourning Warbler 196 614 262 131 60 315 173 89
Connecticut/MacGillivray's/Mourning Warbler 2
Kentucky Warbler 15 14 3 1 5 6 1 1
Common Yellowthroat 208 1393 1505 1443 12 155 691 915
Mourning Warbler x Common Yellowthroat (hybrid) 1 1
Hooded Warbler 189 486 296 117 61 208 180 70
American Redstart 337 1514 972 794 45 532 511 505
Kirtland's Warbler 2
Cape May Warbler 755 176 10 3 287 81 4
Cerulean Warbler 73 109 62 29 29 43 32 16
Northern Parula 563 941 205 52 200 418 113 27
Magnolia Warbler 687 1019 334 165 254 468 206 104
Bay-breasted Warbler 716 233 10 1 303 111 2 1
Blackburnian Warbler 477 1123 550 302 148 464 342 195
Yellow Warbler 230 1341 1121 1336 11 286 509 796
Chestnut-sided Warbler 400 1492 847 678 83 462 494 474
Blackpoll Warbler 724 516 73 11 294 222 31 7
Bay-breasted/Blackpoll Warbler 71 1 29
Black-throated Blue Warbler 479 1118 523 192 164 471 278 127
Palm Warbler 874 297 38 33 334 123 12 16
Pine Warbler 397 1172 540 235 104 508 318 132
Yellow-rumped Warbler 992 1391 569 266 306 626 308 159
Yellow-throated Warbler 40 11 1 1 11 4
Prairie Warbler 181 452 195 123 54 196 106 66
Black-throated Gray Warbler 6 1 4
Townsend's Warbler 4 1 2
Black-throated Green Warbler 524 1442 584 236 149 598 359 156
Setophaga sp. 3 2
Canada Warbler 363 616 245 120 129 301 145 78
Wilson's Warbler 388 141 4 1 151 55 2
Painted Redstart 1
new world warbler sp. 846 44 2 7 328 21 3
Summer Tanager 42 11 1 14 3
Scarlet Tanager 335 1639 1050 426 64 651 618 262
Summer/Scarlet Tanager 2 1
Western Tanager 13 1 2 1
tanager sp. (Piranga sp.) 2
Northern Cardinal 279 1168 1344 1278 18 194 639 680
Rose-breasted Grosbeak 388 1408 845 783 72 532 470 477
Blue Grosbeak 40 8 8 11 14 3 3 2
Lazuli Bunting 1
Indigo Bunting 328 1461 1179 545 41 426 741 356
Painted Bunting 12 4
Passerina sp. 1 1
Dickcissel 83 6 4 3 24 3 1 1
Saffron Finch 1
Lined Seedeater 1
passerine sp. 542 26 2 18 209 16 1 9
bird sp. 329 14 1 15 129 8 1 7

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Julie Ketry 21 Sep 2024 28
Ellen Jones 21 Sep 2024 1
josh Ketry 21 Sep 2024 28
Ruth Pedersen 21 Sep 2024 8
Karen Phillips 21 Sep 2024 10
Laura Stenzler 21 Sep 2024 2
Wendy Tocci 21 Sep 2024 15
josh Ketry 21 Sep 2024 7
John Sepenoski 21 Sep 2024 14
Ruth Pedersen 21 Sep 2024 2
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