We are hiring summer technicians!

By Julie Hart 8 Jan 2024
Blue Jay Cyanocitta cristata

We are hiring again! We are going all out this year and trying to fill in gaps statewide. Will you join us?

Download full job announcement [PDF]

Job Description: We are looking to hire at least two technicians (probably 4-5) to conduct atlasing in New York during the summer of 2024 (dates: May 15-Aug 15). Technicians will be responsible for conducting bird surveys in assigned priority blocks, recording breeding codes, and entering these records into eBird.

Applicants must be comfortable working alone in remote areas without cell service (emergency satellite beacon provided). Technicians can expect physically demanding work, long days with early starts, inclement weather, biting insects, and bushwhacking to get to sites. This is not the job for someone who has never spent time alone in the wilderness!

The work schedule will require flexibility in the event of inclement weather but will be no more than 40 hrs/week. This is a great opportunity to unplug outdoors while deepening your understanding of breeding birds.

Qualifications: Technicians must be able to identify New York land and water birds by sight and sound. Must have a valid driver’s license, reliable vehicle, and be willing to work early mornings and long hours in a variety of conditions. Keen observation and note-taking skills, good communication skills (both written and verbal), and a high level of enthusiasm and energy are also desirable. Will be expected to work independently, follow all atlasing protocols, and navigate by GPS on and off-road. Experience backpacking is a plus.

Compensation: Pay is $19-23/hr, depending on education and experience, plus mileage reimbursement at the federal rate. Technicians will be independently contracted with Audubon New York. Technicians are responsible for providing their own smartphone, transportation, and food. Binoculars, camping and backpacking gear, and emergency and first aid equipment are provided. Accommodations will be primarily camping in tents.

To Apply: Your application should consist of a brief cover letter describing your interest and qualifications for the position, a 1–2-page resume, and contact information for three professional references, including at least 2 that can attest to your birding skills. Please email your application to Julie Hart at Julie.hart@dec.ny.gov as a single PDF titled “Lastname_Atlas2024.pdf” with an email subject of “Atlas Field Technician Application 2024.” We do not discriminate due to an applicant’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin and veteran or disability status.