Joseph Hadaway – Atlaser Spotlight – February 2022

By Gabriel Foley 28 Feb 2022
Joseph Hadaway

Joseph Hadaway, from Aberdeen, Harford County, is a contributor to the Maryland & DC Breeding Bird Atlas 3.

Where is your favorite place to atlas?
Deal Island WMA in Somerset County.

Have you been involved with any atlases prior to this one?
No, this is my first BBA.

What is the best thing about atlasing?
Going to a remote area with little to no data, and filling in those blocks!

What’s our biggest conservation issue?
A lack of explanation regarding the importance of how conservation will affect not only the target species, but the person you are educating.

You can take binoculars, a field guide, and what other item?
I’d take a spotting scope.

Who would you go atlasing with?
Aaron Graham.

What bird do you particularly like?
Nothing is more exciting than doing rail surveys for Virginia Rail and Sora in the marsh.

What bird best reflects your personality?
Winter wren, a lot of sass but they are pretty wicked.

What made you interested in birds?
Kevin Dodge and Aaron Graham introduced me to the importance of birding and continue to mentor me today.