Tiny, ornately patterned hummingbird with a bold pale rump band. Exquisite adult male plumage features a bushy orange crest and long orange plumes tipped dark green, sweeping back from the cheeks over the shoulders, and set off by a white rump band and stout orange bill tipped black. Female lacks such adornment and is greenish above and whitish below, with a contrasting tawny throat, buffy rump band, and duller bill. Occurs in a wide range of humid forest types from lowland rainforest to premontane forest in the tepui region. Feeds on nectar and is most likely to be seen at flowering trees, where it forages unobtrusively, sneaking nectar from the territories of other hummingbirds. More common and widespread than other coquettes in range. Female Tufted is best told by tawny throat and overall plain appearance.