© Carlos Siegert
© Cathy Pasterczyk
© Justyn Stahl
© Robin Duska

Ібіс-довгохвіст Cercibis oxycerca

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A medium-sized wading bird, mostly black with a red bill and legs. Relatively long tail projection imparts a long-bodied appearance which is enhanced by its short legs. At close range, note bare red throat and orbital skin. Occurs in open wetlands and seasonally flooded savannas, usually in pairs or small groups, probing in mud, shallow water, or soft ground for invertebrates and fish. Unusual, far-carrying call is a single, horn-like note, often given in duet by pairs, with one higher-pitched than the other; the overall effect is like the braying of a donkey. Larger and longer-tailed than Bare-faced Ibis, much more vocal, and does not occur in large groups.

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