Adult male © Joao Quental JQuental eBird S39256571 Macaulay Library ML 145193651
Adult female © Héctor Bottai
Adult male © Nick Athanas
Adult male © Silvia Faustino Linhares
Habitat © Silvia Faustino Linhares

Black Antbird Cercomacroides serva

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Long-tailed antbird of lowland rainforest. Most common around tree fall gaps in mature rainforest, and other areas of dense undergrowth. Males are almost entirely black, except for narrow white margins to wing coverts; similar to males of Riparian and Blackish antbirds, but truly black (not gray). Females are gray with dull orange underparts and face; resemble the similar females of Riparian and Gray antbirds, but have a stronger contrast between the gray crown and orange face, and are found more commonly away from water (Riparian Antbird has a close association with water). Most commonly heard vocalization is a distinctive rising series of plucking “bleep” notes.