Male © Miguel Angel Fuentes Rosúa eBird S60306318 Macaulay Library ML 180164881
Male © Miguel Angel Fuentes Rosúa
Male © Nik Borrow
Male © Miguel Angel Fuentes Rosúa
Male © Lars Petersson | My World of Bird Photography
+ 2
Male © Nigel Voaden

Bare-cheeked Trogon Apaloderma aequatoriale

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A trogon of lowland rainforests, almost always found in the forest interior, away from forest edges. Males and females have distinctive bare yellow facial skin below their eyes and between their eyes and bill. Both sexes have green backs and uppertails, red chests and vents, and finely barred wings. The species often calls motionless in the subcanopy, giving a series of 6-10 sad, descending coo notes, repeating these series 2-3 times per minute. Similar to the larger Narina Trogon, but Bare-cheeked Trogon is told apart by its song, its closed-canopy forest habitat, and the purely green tones on its head, back, and uppertail.