Calling Expert Earbirders: Open Breeding Bird Survey Routes for 2025
A lot of birders retired from their BBS routes this year which has created
a wave of open routes for the 2025 season. This is by far the most
openings I have seen since taking over the state coordinator role 25 years
ago. Please take a look at the list and let me know what routes you might
be interested in. BBS routes must be run one time between May 28th and
July 8th. They require the ability to recognize Wisconsin birds by song.
Each route takes about 4.5 hours. The routes consist of 50 stops at
half mile intervals along a mapped route. Each stop is 3 minutes long.
Please let me know if you have any questions or if you are interested in
taking a route or two. The routes are named by the Wisconsin town or city
in which they originate.
If interested, email
Wisconsin Breeding Bird Survey Coordinator