MOU September Field Trips
Want to improve your fall warbler identification, spot migrating sparrows, or explore a birding hotspot? The Minnesota Ornithologists’ Union has several guided field trips scheduled throughout September. Participation in each outing is limited to 10 people. Events are free, but registration via Signup Genius is required (link provided in field trip description).
Unconfusing Fall Warblers @ Schaar’s Bluff
September 7th (Saturday), 8:00 AM
Join Trey Weaver for a warbler walk at Scharr’s Bluff. We will be focused on fall warbler identification, but other migrants are to be expected in the river valley along with resident species. Please see the event page for more event information and registration.
Unconfusing Fall Warblers @ Rice Creek Chain of Lakes Park
September 8th (Sunday), 7:00 AM
East Mississippi River Flats
September 14th (Saturday) and 21st(Saturday), 8:00 AM
Unconfusing Fall Warblers @ Rum River Regional Park
September 15th (Sunday), 8:00 AM
Fall Migration at Louisville Swamp
September 20th (Friday), 8:00 AM
Crow-Hassan Park Reserve
September 28th (Saturday), 9:00 AM
To learn about other upcoming events and to support the conservation and study of Minnesota’s birds join the Minnesota Ornithologists’ Union.