Get Involved

There are various citizen science projects in Alaska that birdwatchers can participate in outside of eBird. These projects often target specific species or species groups and can collect more information than an eBird checklist. Follow the links below to find out more information and updates on projects you can help with throughout the state.

Birds ‘n’ Bogs – This program is a volunteer-based effort designed to collect valuable information about boreal birds in Southcentral and Interior Alaska. This program evolved from the “Loon and Grebe Watch Program” to include additional boreal birds of conservation concern, and is a collaboration between ADF&G, the University of Alaska Anchorage, Audubon Alaska, and the Alaska Songbird Institute.

Fairbanks FeederCount – The Alaska Songbird Institute and the Arctic Audubon Society have been tracking winter bird movements and survivorship at their bird feeders in Fairbanks through the Fairbanks FeederCount. Participants watch their feeders and record birds on three Saturdays throughout the winter and submit their sightings to the Alaska Songbird Institute.

Lesser Yellowlegs Resighting – As part of a collaborative across the Alaska and northern Canada, biologists have marked Lesser Yellowlegs with color bands and unique coded flags that can be resighted by observers in the field. If you see one of these birds in the Anchorage bowl or beyond, you can send observations to biologists in order to help better understand migratory movements, survival, and breeding site fidelity for the species.

Emperor Goose Resighting –Biologists want citizen scientists to keep an eye out for Emperor Geese with yellow coded legs bands and submit sightings to the Alaska Department of Fish & Game. These sightings will help biologists understand the survival and migratory movements of adult and juvenile Emperor Geese in Alaska.

Christmas Bird Count – Each winter, birders come together to participate in the longest running citizen science survey in the world. It is an annual count administered by the National Audubon Society to provide population level data to scientists. With over 30 count circles in Alaska, there is always room to participate nearby.