What's on in March
Colourful blooms and cheerful birdsongs define the spirit of the month of March. Spring brings with it some very interesting changes in the birdlife around us. Several of the winter migrants that you may have become used to over the past few months will now be initiating their long journeys to breeding grounds in the north. Several regions will be seeing the advent of passage migrants – such as the Sulphur-bellied Warblers in the northern states, and a few lucky birders may catch sight of an off vagrant or two as well. Resident birds, and even some of the returning migrants, should now be filling the air with their songs as they try and find mates for the breeding season.
Last month, the Great Backyard Bird Count and the Campus Bird Count were massive hits, with birders from across the country coming together to record birds across their respective regions. Birders in India recorded over 1037 species and submitted more than 60,000 checklists over the course of 4 days! The Campus Bird Count was organised in almost 200 campuses across the country and many birders used this opportunity to introduce people from all age groups to the wonderful world of birds.
Regular Events:
There is also a list of birding events (mostly walks) that are conducted on a regular schedule (typically weekly or monthly) by various birding groups across the country. Take a look to see if there is something happening near you!
If you enjoy challenges, do take a look at some of the global challenges set for this new year.
The March 2024 eBirding Challenge for India can be seen here.
Take a look at the yearly challenge for India for 2024
There is also the global eBirder of the Month challenge and the global Checklist-a-day Challenge to look forward to.
Are you organizing a birding event soon?
If so, please drop a line to skimmer@birdcount.org so that we can include it in our monthly “What’s On in Birding” updates.