eBird Field Checklist
Laguna Pomacochas--Muelle Florida Pomacochas
, Amazonas, PE
173 species (+4 other taxa) - Year-round, All years
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Blue-winged Teal
White-cheeked Pintail
duck sp.
Chachalacas, Guans, and Curassows
Andean Guan
Least Grebe
Pigeons and Doves
Rock Pigeon
Band-tailed Pigeon
Plumbeous Pigeon
White-tipped Dove
Groove-billed Ani
Squirrel Cuckoo
White-tipped Swift
Sparkling Violetear
Lesser Violetear
Amethyst-throated Sunangel
Purple-throated Sunangel
Speckled Hummingbird
Long-tailed Sylph
Black-tailed Trainbearer
Green-tailed Trainbearer
Black-tailed/Green-tailed Trainbearer
Tyrian Metaltail
Marvelous Spatuletail
Bronzy Inca
Chestnut-breasted Coronet
Violet-fronted Brilliant
White-bellied Woodstar
Little Woodstar
Spot-throated Hummingbird
Many-spotted Hummingbird
Andean Emerald
White-bellied Hummingbird
hummingbird sp.
Rails, Gallinules, and Allies
Spotted Rail
Blackish Rail
Plumbeous Rail
Common Gallinule
Slate-colored Coot
Andean Lapwing
Jameson's Snipe
Puna Snipe
Pantanal Snipe
Solitary Sandpiper
Greater Yellowlegs
Pectoral Sandpiper
Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers
Andean Gull
Large-billed Tern
Cormorants and Anhingas
Neotropic Cormorant
Herons, Ibis, and Allies
Fasciated Tiger-Heron
Black-crowned Night Heron
Snowy Egret
Striated Heron
Western Cattle Egret
Great Egret
Cocoi Heron
Puna Ibis
Vultures, Hawks, and Allies
Black Vulture
Turkey Vulture
Swallow-tailed Kite
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Roadside Hawk
White-throated Screech-Owl
Amazon Kingfisher
Speckle-chested Piculet
Smoky-brown Woodpecker
Falcons and Caracaras
American Kestrel
Aplomado Falcon
Peregrine Falcon
Parrots, Parakeets, and Allies
Speckle-faced Parrot
Scaly-naped Parrot
Cordilleran Parakeet
Mitred Parakeet
Barred Antshrike
Rufous-capped Antshrike
Variable Antshrike
White-crowned Tapaculo
Pacific Hornero
Buff-browed Foliage-gleaner
Line-cheeked Spinetail
Azara's Spinetail
Rufous Spinetail
White-bearded Manakin
Becards, Tityras, and Allies
Barred Becard
Tyrant Flycatchers: Elaenias, Tyrannulets, and Allies
Streak-necked Flycatcher
Mottle-cheeked Tyrannulet
Rufous-headed Pygmy-Tyrant
Black-throated Tody-Tyrant
Common Tody-Flycatcher
Cinnamon Flycatcher
Southern Beardless-Tyrannulet
Rufous-winged Tyrannulet
Subtropical Doradito
Highland Elaenia
Yellow-bellied Elaenia
Lesser Elaenia
White-crested Elaenia
Sierran Elaenia
Torrent Tyrannulet
Peruvian Tyrannulet
Tyrant Flycatchers: Pewees, Kingbirds, and Allies
Olive-chested Flycatcher
Smoke-colored Pewee
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Alder Flycatcher
Vermilion Flycatcher
Little Ground-Tyrant
Spot-billed Ground-Tyrant
Pale-edged Flycatcher
Great Kiskadee
Social Flycatcher
Dusky-chested Flycatcher
Tropical Kingbird
Rufous-browed Peppershrike
Brown-capped Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Chivi Vireo
Jays, Magpies, Crows, and Ravens
Green Jay
Black-capped Donacobius
Martins and Swallows
Bank Swallow
Gray-breasted Martin
Brown-chested Martin
Blue-and-white Swallow
Pale-footed Swallow
Barn Swallow
Cliff Swallow
House Wren
Mountain Wren
Grass Wren
Speckle-breasted Wren
Bar-winged Wood-Wren
Gray-breasted Wood-Wren
Andean Solitaire
Swainson's Thrush
Black-billed Thrush
Great Thrush
Chiguanco Thrush
Finches, Euphonias, and Allies
Golden-rumped Euphonia
Purple-throated Euphonia
Lesser Goldfinch
Hooded Siskin
New World Sparrows
Rufous-collared Sparrow
Yellow-breasted Brushfinch
Peruvian Meadowlark
Yellow-tailed Oriole
Oriole Blackbird
Yellow-hooded Blackbird
Tropical Parula
Three-striped Warbler
Citrine Warbler
Black-crested Warbler
Slate-throated Redstart
Spectacled Redstart
Cardinals, Grosbeaks, and Allies
Hepatic Tanager
Golden Grosbeak
Tanagers and Allies
Magpie Tanager
Rufous-crested Tanager
Buff-bellied Tanager
Rufous-chested Tanager
Silver-beaked Tanager
Blue-capped Tanager
Lacrimose Mountain Tanager
Blue-gray Tanager
Silvery Tanager
Blue-and-black Tanager
Black-throated Flowerpiercer
White-sided Flowerpiercer
Rusty Flowerpiercer
Deep-blue Flowerpiercer
Masked Flowerpiercer
Grassland Yellow-Finch
Chestnut-throated Seedeater
Chestnut-bellied Seedeater
Black-and-white Seedeater
Yellow-bellied Seedeater
Dull-colored Grassquit
Streaked Saltator
bird sp.