eBird Field Checklist
Mersin Limanı - Seyhan ağzı arası (Pelajik)
, Mersin, TR
21 species (+2 other taxa) - Year-round, All years
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This checklist is generated with data from eBird (ebird.org), a global database of bird sightings from birders like you. If you enjoy this checklist, please consider contributing your sightings to eBird. It is 100% free to take part, and your observations will help support birders, researchers, and conservationists worldwide.

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Little Grebe
Common Crane
Skuas and Jaegers
Parasitic Jaeger
Pomarine Jaeger
jaeger sp.
Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers
Black-legged Kittiwake
Slender-billed Gull
Black-headed Gull
Pallas's Gull
Mediterranean Gull
Common Gull
Caspian Gull
Yellow-legged Gull
Armenian Gull
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Larus sp.
Sandwich Tern
Petrels, Shearwaters, and Diving-Petrels
Yelkouan Shearwater
Frigatebirds, Boobies, and Gannets
Northern Gannet
Cormorants and Anhingas
Great Cormorant
Herons, Ibis, and Allies
Gray Heron
Vultures, Hawks, and Allies
Common Buzzard
Martins and Swallows
Barn Swallow