eBird Field Checklist
Complejo Endorreico de la Lantejuela--Área general
Sevilla, Andalucía, ES
19 species (+1 other taxa) - Year-round, Current year
Start time:
Party size:

This checklist is generated with data from eBird (ebird.org), a global database of bird sightings from birders like you. If you enjoy this checklist, please consider contributing your sightings to eBird. It is 100% free to take part, and your observations will help support birders, researchers, and conservationists worldwide.

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Grouse, Quail, and Allies
Red-legged Partridge
Greater Flamingo
Pigeons and Doves
Common Wood-Pigeon
European Turtle-Dove
Eurasian Collared-Dove
Vultures, Hawks, and Allies
Short-toed Snake-Eagle
Booted Eagle
Montagu's Harrier
Eurasian Eagle-Owl
Bee-eaters, Rollers, and Allies
European Bee-eater
European Roller
Falcons and Caracaras
Eurasian Kestrel
Jays, Magpies, Crows, and Ravens
Common Raven
Thekla's/Crested Lark
Cisticolas and Allies
Zitting Cisticola
Reed Warblers and Allies
Western Olivaceous Warbler
Martins and Swallows
Barn Swallow
Starlings and Mynas
Spotless Starling
Finches, Euphonias, and Allies
European Serin
Old World Buntings
Corn Bunting