eBird Field Checklist
若尔盖县 [请用更详细的热点] (Zoigê County [general area--please use more specific hotspots])
, Sichuan, CN
263 species (+8 other taxa) - Year-round, All years
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Bar-headed Goose
Graylag Goose
Whooper Swan
Ruddy Shelduck
Mandarin Duck
Northern Shoveler
Eurasian Wigeon
Northern Pintail
Green-winged Teal
Red-crested Pochard
Common Pochard
Ferruginous Duck
Tufted Duck
Common Merganser
duck sp.
Grouse, Quail, and Allies
Blood Pheasant
Severtzov's Grouse
Tibetan Partridge
Ring-necked Pheasant
Blue Eared-Pheasant
Tibetan Snowcock
Little Grebe
Horned Grebe
Great Crested Grebe
Eared Grebe
Pigeons and Doves
Rock Pigeon
Hill Pigeon
Snow Pigeon
Speckled Wood-Pigeon
Oriental Turtle-Dove
Eurasian Collared-Dove
Red Collared-Dove
Spotted Dove
Large Hawk-Cuckoo
Lesser Cuckoo
Himalayan Cuckoo
Common Cuckoo
White-throated Needletail
Himalayan Swiftlet
Pacific Swift
Salim Ali's Swift
House Swift
Rails, Gallinules, and Allies
Brown-cheeked Rail
Eurasian Moorhen
Eurasian Coot
Black-necked Crane
Black-winged Stilt
Little Ringed Plover
Long-billed Plover
Siberian/Tibetan Sand-Plover
Eurasian Curlew
Common Sandpiper
Green Sandpiper
Wood Sandpiper
Common Redshank
Spotted Redshank
Common Greenshank
Curlew Sandpiper
Temminck's Stint
Red-necked Stint
Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers
Black-headed Gull
Brown-headed Gull
Pallas's Gull
Common Gull
Herring Gull
Little Tern
Whiskered Tern
White-winged Tern
Common Tern
Black Stork
Cormorants and Anhingas
Great Cormorant
Herons, Ibis, and Allies
Great Bittern
Little Egret
Chinese Pond-Heron
Eastern Cattle Egret
Great Egret
Medium Egret
Gray Heron
Purple Heron
Eurasian Spoonbill
spoonbill sp.
Vultures, Hawks, and Allies
Bearded Vulture
Cinereous Vulture
Himalayan Griffon
Mountain Hawk-Eagle
Greater Spotted Eagle
Steppe Eagle
Imperial Eagle
Golden Eagle
Hen Harrier
Crested Goshawk
Eurasian Sparrowhawk
Eurasian Goshawk
Black Kite
Pallas's Fish-Eagle
White-tailed Eagle
Himalayan Buzzard
Eastern Buzzard
Upland Buzzard
Eurasian Eagle-Owl
Little Owl
Eurasian Hoopoe
Common Kingfisher
Black-capped Kingfisher
Eurasian Wryneck
Gray-capped Pygmy Woodpecker
Rufous-bellied Woodpecker
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Gray-headed Woodpecker
Black Woodpecker
woodpecker sp.
Falcons and Caracaras
Eurasian Kestrel
Amur Falcon
Eurasian Hobby
Peregrine Falcon
Gray-chinned Minivet
Short-billed Minivet
Long-tailed Minivet
Shrike-Babblers and Erpornis
Green Shrike-Babbler
Black Drongo
Ashy Drongo
Tiger Shrike
Brown Shrike
Gray-backed Shrike
Giant Shrike
Chinese Gray/Giant Shrike
Jays, Magpies, Crows, and Ravens
Sichuan Jay
Azure-winged Magpie
Black-rumped Magpie
Oriental Magpie
Red-billed Chough
Yellow-billed Chough
Daurian Jackdaw
Carrion Crow
Large-billed Crow
Collared Crow
Common Raven
Tits, Chickadees, and Titmice
Coal Tit
Rufous-vented Tit
Gray-crested Tit
White-browed Tit
Sichuan Tit
Ground Tit
Green-backed Tit
Japanese Tit
Horned Lark
Mongolian Short-toed Lark
Hume's Lark
Tibetan Lark
Asian Short-toed Lark
Oriental Skylark
Crested Lark
Grassbirds and Allies
Spotted Bush Warbler
Martins and Swallows
Bank Swallow
Pale Martin
Eurasian Crag-Martin
Barn Swallow
Asian House-Martin
Red-rumped Swallow
Brown-breasted Bulbul
Leaf Warblers
Ashy-throated Warbler
Buff-barred Warbler
Yellow-browed Warbler
Hume's Warbler
Chinese Leaf Warbler
Pallas's Leaf Warbler
Gansu Leaf Warbler
Sichuan Leaf Warbler
Yellow-streaked Warbler
Tickell's Leaf Warbler
Dusky Warbler
Buff-throated Warbler
Bianchi's Warbler
Greenish Warbler
Two-barred Warbler
Large-billed Leaf Warbler
Claudia's Leaf Warbler
Phylloscopus sp.
Bush Warblers and Allies
Yellowish-bellied Bush Warbler
Long-tailed Tits and Bushtit
White-browed Tit-Warbler
Crested Tit-Warbler
Silver-throated Tit
Parrotbills, Wrentit, and Allies
Chinese Fulvetta
Gray-hooded Fulvetta
Spectacled Parrotbill
White-eyes, Yuhinas, and Allies
White-collared Yuhina
Chestnut-flanked White-eye
Laughingthrushes and Allies
Elliot's Laughingthrush
Snowy-cheeked Laughingthrush
Giant Laughingthrush
White-browed Laughingthrush
Pere David's Laughingthrush
Chinese Babax
Przevalski's Nuthatch
Snowy-browed Nuthatch
Hodgson's Treecreeper
Eurasian Wren
White-throated Dipper
Starlings and Mynas
White-cheeked Starling
Long-tailed Thrush
Chinese Thrush
White-backed Thrush
Chestnut Thrush
Black-throated Thrush
Red-throated Thrush
Old World Flycatchers
Dark-sided Flycatcher
White-bellied Redstart
Blue Whistling-Thrush
Siberian Rubythroat
White-tailed Robin
Himalayan Bluetail
White-browed Bush-Robin
Yellow-rumped Flycatcher
Slaty-backed Flycatcher
Blue-fronted Redstart
Plumbeous Redstart
White-capped Redstart
Hodgson's Redstart
White-throated Redstart
White-winged Redstart
Black Redstart
Daurian Redstart
Blue Rock-Thrush
Siberian Stonechat
Siberian/Amur Stonechat
Isabelline Wheatear
Przevalski's Pinktail
Przevalski's Pinktail
Robin Accentor
Rufous-breasted Accentor
Maroon-backed Accentor
Old World Sparrows
House Sparrow
Russet Sparrow
Eurasian Tree Sparrow
Rock Sparrow
Black-winged Snowfinch
White-rumped Snowfinch
Rufous-necked Snowfinch
Wagtails and Pipits
Gray Wagtail
Eastern Yellow Wagtail
Western/Eastern Yellow Wagtail
Citrine Wagtail
White Wagtail
Richard's Pipit
Blyth's Pipit
Rosy Pipit
Olive-backed Pipit
Water Pipit
Finches, Euphonias, and Allies
Collared Grosbeak
White-winged Grosbeak
Common Rosefinch
Himalayan Beautiful Rosefinch
Pink-rumped Rosefinch
Streaked Rosefinch
Long-tailed Rosefinch
Three-banded Rosefinch
Chinese White-browed Rosefinch
Gray-headed Bullfinch
Blanford's Rosefinch
Plain Mountain Finch
Black-headed Mountain Finch
Oriental Greenfinch
Red Crossbill
Tibetan Serin
Old World Buntings
Godlewski's Bunting
Little Bunting