eBird Field Checklist
Indian Wells Canyon
Kern, California, US
15 species (+1 other taxa) -
Start time:
Party size:

This checklist is generated with data from eBird (ebird.org), a global database of bird sightings from birders like you. If you enjoy this checklist, please consider contributing your sightings to eBird. It is 100% free to take part, and your observations will help support birders, researchers, and conservationists worldwide.

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Grouse, Quail, and Allies
California Quail
Pigeons and Doves
Mourning Dove
Rails, Gallinules, and Allies
Virginia Rail
Tyrant Flycatchers: Pewees, Kingbirds, and Allies
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Empidonax sp.
Ash-throated Flycatcher
Loggerhead Shrike
Jays, Magpies, Crows, and Ravens
California Scrub-Jay
Common Raven
Bewick's Wren
Cactus Wren
Catbirds, Mockingbirds, and Thrashers
LeConte's Thrasher
Finches, Euphonias, and Allies
House Finch
Lesser Goldfinch
New World Sparrows
Bell's Sparrow
California Towhee