eBird Field Checklist
Cape Aguhlas
, Western Cape, ZA
34 species (+1 other taxa) - Year-round, Current year
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This checklist is generated with data from eBird (ebird.org), a global database of bird sightings from birders like you. If you enjoy this checklist, please consider contributing your sightings to eBird. It is 100% free to take part, and your observations will help support birders, researchers, and conservationists worldwide.

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Grouse, Quail, and Allies
Cape Spurfowl
Pigeons and Doves
Speckled Pigeon
Black-winged Stilt
African Oystercatcher
Common Ringed Plover
Crowned Lapwing
White-fronted Plover
Gulls, Terns, and Skimmers
Hartlaub's Gull
Kelp Gull
Common Tern
Sandwich Tern
Great Crested Tern
Cormorants and Anhingas
Cape Cormorant
Great Cormorant
Herons, Ibis, and Allies
Little Egret
heron sp.
African Sacred Ibis
Vultures, Hawks, and Allies
Black Kite
Falcons and Caracaras
Rock Kestrel
Bushshrikes and Allies
Cisticolas and Allies
Karoo Prinia
Red-headed Cisticola
Martins and Swallows
Rock Martin
Barn Swallow
Greater Striped Swallow
Cape Bulbul
White-eyes, Yuhinas, and Allies
Cape White-eye
Starlings and Mynas
European Starling
Sunbirds and Spiderhunters
Orange-breasted Sunbird
Malachite Sunbird
Southern Double-collared Sunbird
Wagtails and Pipits
Cape Wagtail
Finches, Euphonias, and Allies
Yellow Canary
Old World Buntings
Cape Bunting