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Lake Ellesmere(Te Waihora)--'tip' of Kaitorete Spit
Bird List
Updated ~5 seconds ago
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Native and Naturalized (67)
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Exotic: Provisional (1)
Hybrids (2)
- Pied x Black Stilt (hybrid) Himantopus leucocephalus x novaezelandiae
- Mallard x Pacific Black Duck (hybrid) Anas platyrhynchos x superciliosa
Additional Taxa (4)
- Silver/Black-billed Gull Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae/bulleri
- Gull-billed/Australian Tern Gelochelidon nilotica/macrotarsaDetails:
- peep sp. Calidris sp. (peep sp.)Details:
- large albatross sp. Diomedea sp.Details: