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Observations - Last seen - Sorted by Count descending

species 1.
Count  18
Tom Younkin
species 2.
Count  17
Claudia C
species 3.
Count  14
Bill Thompson
species 4.
Count  14
Christopher Veale
species 5.
Count  10
Evan Lipton
species 6.
Count  10
Tom Auer
species 7.

House Sparrow

Count  8
Bill Thompson
species 8.
Count  7
Dan Berard
species 9.
Count  6
Christopher Veale
species 10.
Count  5
Christopher Veale
species 11.
Count  5
Christopher Veale
species 12.
Count  4
Christopher Veale
species 13.
Count  4
Christopher Veale
species 14.

House Finch

Count  4
Christopher Veale
species 15.
Count  4
Matthew Schenck
species 16.
Count  4
Sandi Jacques
species 17.
Count  3
Christopher Veale
species 18.
Count  3
Bill Thompson
species 19.
Count  3
David Bradford
species 20.
Count  2
Sandi Jacques
species 21.
Count  2
Lauren Parmelee
species 22.
Count  2
Barbara Sherman
species 23.
Count  2
Christopher Veale
species 24.
Count  2
Dan Berard
species 25.
Count  2
Christopher Veale
species 26.
Count  2
Erin Metcalf
species 27.
Count  2
Dan Berard
species 28.
Count  2
Lauren Parmelee
species 29.
Count  2
James Restivo
species 30.
Count  2
Louise Ruggeri
species 31.
Count  2
Christopher Veale
species 32.
Count  2
Louise Ruggeri
species 33.
Count  2
Christopher Veale
species 34.

European Starling

Count  2
Christopher Veale
species 35.
Count  2
David Bradford
species 36.
Count  2
Christopher Veale
species 37.
Count  2
Louise Ruggeri
species 38.
Count  2
Christopher Veale
species 39.
Count  1
Dave C.
species 40.
Count  1
Claudia C
species 41.
Count  1
Matthew Schenck
species 42.
Count  1
Evan Lipton
species 43.
Count  1
Clara Cooper-Mullin
species 44.
Count  1
Dan Berard
species 45.
Count  1
Tom Auer
species 46.
Count  1
Dan Berard
species 47.
Count  1
Linda Gardrel
species 48.
Count  1
Bill Thompson
species 49.
Count  1
Dave C.
species 50.
Count  1
Barbara Seith
species 51.
Count  1
Patrick Felker
species 52.
Count  1
Ken and Helen Ostermiller
species 53.
Count  1
Todd McLeish
species 54.
Count  1
James Restivo
species 55.
Count  1
David Bradford
species 56.
Count  1
Tom Auer
species 57.
Count  1
Barbara Seith
species 58.
Count  1
Claudia C
species 59.
Count  1
Bill Thompson
species 60.
Count  1
James Restivo
species 61.
Count  1
David Bradford
species 62.
Count  1
Claudia C
species 63.
Count  1
Bill Thompson
species 64.
Count  1
Tom Auer
species 65.
Count  1
Bill Thompson
species 66.
Count  1
Tom Auer
species 67.
Count  1
Erin Metcalf
species 68.
Count  1
David Bradford
species 69.
Count  1
Bill Thompson

Additional taxa

crow sp.

Count  3
Daniel Echt

Surf/Black Scoter

Count  2
Tom Auer

Common/Barrow's Goldeneye

Count  1
Matthew Schenck

gull sp.

Count  X
Lynn Abbey