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Observations - High counts - Sorted by Date descending

species 1.
Count  2
Sandy Morrissey
species 2.
Count  1
Nick Pickel
species 3.
Count  3
Nick Pickel
species 4.
Count  3
Joe Rothstein
Greystone Metro-North Station
species 5.
Count  250
Anonymous eBirder
Larchmont reservoir
species 6.
Count  3
Anonymous eBirder
Larchmont reservoir
species 7.
Count  1
Anonymous eBirder
Larchmont reservoir
species 8.
Count  65
Ricky Flamio
species 9.

European Starling

Count  55
Ricky Flamio
species 10.
Count  2
Svetlana Sands
species 11.
Count  2
Lee Schlesinger
species 12.
Count  50
Lee Schlesinger
species 13.
Count  30
Anonymous eBirder
306 Brevoort Ln, Rye US-NY 40.94672, -73.71191
species 14.
Count  2
David Medd
species 15.
Count  8
David Medd
species 16.
Count  58
Sharon Weiss
Orchard St, N White Plains
species 17.
Count  1
Eli Reuter
species 18.
Count  3
Larry Trachtenberg
species 19.
Count  3
Anonymous eBirder
species 20.
species 21.
species 22.
Count  5
Mike Usai
species 23.
Count  67
Mike Usai
species 24.
Count  1
Steve Rappaport
species 25.
Count  1
Steve Rappaport
species 26.
species 27.
Count  150
Jake LaBelle
species 28.
Count  1
Jake LaBelle
species 29.
Count  4
Jake LaBelle
species 30.
Count  1
Caroline Walker
species 31.
Count  23
Larry Trachtenberg
species 32.
Count  10
Larry Trachtenberg
species 33.
Count  16
David Spawn
species 34.
Count  15
Ginger Bernardin
species 35.
Count  40
David Spawn
species 36.
species 37.
Count  2
Joseph Wallace
species 38.
Count  6
Joseph Wallace
species 39.
Count  8
Joseph Wallace
species 40.
Count  1
Joseph Wallace
species 41.
Count  8
Joseph Wallace
species 42.
species 43.
Count  3
Stu Landesberg
64 Maiden Lane, Croton-on-Hudson, New York, US (41.23, -73.922)
species 44.
Count  55
K. D'Apice
BJ's Parking Lot - waterway culvert
species 45.
species 46.
Count  35
David Spawn
species 47.
Count  3
Barbara Gabrielsen
3 morris road, north salem, ny 10560
species 48.
Count  25
Anonymous eBirder
species 49.
species 50.
Count  1
Matt Cohen
species 51.

House Sparrow

Count  29
Matt Cohen
species 52.
species 53.
species 54.
species 55.
species 56.
Count  1
Reed W
species 57.

Rock Pigeon

Count  100
Emily Mackevicius
Stella (40.91, -73.781)
species 58.
Count  100
David Harrison
species 59.
Count  35
Greg McAlpin
The Cottage
species 60.
Count  17
Greg McAlpin
The Cottage
species 61.
Count  3
Greg McAlpin
The Cottage
species 62.
Count  17
James Iantorno
Somers, New York, US
species 63.
Count  6
David Harrison
species 64.
Count  1
David Harrison
species 65.
Count  2
Sean Camillieri
species 66.
Count  5
Anonymous eBirder
woodbine ave, Mamaroneck, NY
species 67.
species 68.
Count  2
Larry Trachtenberg
species 69.

Mute Swan

species 70.
Count  26
Rik Kaufman
New Croton Reservoir, Mount Kisco US-NY (41.2304,-73.7648)
species 71.

Monk Parakeet

Count  44
Steve Rappaport
species 72.
Count  3
Steve Rappaport
species 73.
species 74.
Count  30
jim gurski
House Feeder
species 75.
Count  190
Max Epstein
species 76.
Count  1
Chris Kennelly
20 Teatown Road, Croton-on-Hudson, New York, US (41.21, -73.858)
species 77.
Count  1
Chris Kennelly
species 78.
Count  1
Joseph Olson
species 79.
Count  4
Gail Benson
Glen Island, New Rochelle
species 80.
Count  5
Gail Benson
Glen Island, New Rochelle
species 81.
Count  10
Chris Kennelly
species 82.
species 83.
Count  5
Sandy Morrissey
species 84.
Count  40
Sandy Morrissey
species 85.
Count  2
Keith Lea
Croton-on-Hudson Municipal Building
species 86.
species 87.
Count  120
Michael Bochnik
16 Coronet Rd, Home, Yonkers US-NY (40.9585,-73.8487)
species 88.
species 89.
Count  5
Liz Larkin
species 90.
Count  8
Ethan Goodman
species 91.
Count  4
Ethan Goodman
species 92.
Count  3
Ethan Goodman
species 93.
Count  60
Ethan Goodman
species 94.
Count  1
Amy Swiss
An open space near the woods in Armonk
species 95.
Count  3
Linda Hirsch
My Home
species 96.
species 97.
Count  10
Todd Manister
Scarsdale, NY Backyard Bird Feeders
species 98.
Count  5
Anonymous eBirder
Long Pond
species 99.
Count  5
Sean Camillieri
Home (Not Actual Location)
species 100.

House Finch

Count  24
Bob Yankou
species 101.
Count  18
Jewel Chaudhary
species 102.
Count  100
Daniel Eison
Pink House
species 103.
Count  14
Nadav Snir-Zelniker
Marshlands Conservancy, Rye US-NY 40.95406, -73.69817
species 104.
Count  8
Anonymous eBirder
5 Pond Ln, Armonk US-NY 41.14261, -73.67521
species 105.
Count  4
Gail Benson
species 106.
Count  45
Tom Warren
species 107.
Count  50
Mary Sernatinger
Wilton Road, Pleasantville, NY

Additional taxa

hawk sp.

Count  1
Kevin Ascher
Saw Mill Parkway - Pleasantville

Downy/Hairy Woodpecker

Count  2
Anonymous eBirder
my yard

House/Purple Finch

Count  3
Anonymous eBirder
my yard

woodpecker sp.

Count  1
Kevin Ascher
Home Backyard Birdfeeder

diurnal raptor sp.

Count  1
Kevin Ascher
Home Backyard Birdfeeder

Greater/Lesser Scaup

Count  130
Ginger Bernardin

duck sp.

Count  35
Keith Lea

crow sp.

Count  4
Keith Lea

bird sp.

Count  2
Walter D
West Patent Elementary, Mount Kisco NW

new world sparrow sp.

Count  5
Chris Kennelly

blackbird sp.

Count  1
Anonymous eBirder
50 Little Town Ln, Bedford US-NY 41.18522, -73.63170

Accipitrine hawk sp. (former Accipiter sp.)

Count  1
Kathleen Williamson

passerine sp.

Count  3
Kevin Ascher
Home (Incidental Viewing)

alcid sp.

Larus sp.

Count  1
Mary Kocur
45 Fox Run Rd, Pound Ridge US-NY 41.20576, -73.56413

gull sp.

Count  30
Nathan Buck