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Salt Plains NWR--Pond N. of Hwy. 11


Observations - High counts - Sorted by Taxonomic order ascending

species 1.
Count  25
Aaron Short
species 2.
Count  10
Aaron Short
species 3.
Count  40
Aaron Short
species 4.
Count  12
Aaron Short
species 5.
Count  2
Aaron Short
species 6.
Count  2
Aaron Short
species 7.
Count  1
Aaron Short
species 8.
Count  X
Aaron Short
species 9.
Count  X
Aaron Short
species 10.
Count  15
Aaron Short
species 11.
Count  1
Aaron Short
species 12.
Count  2
Aaron Short
species 13.
Count  1
Aaron Short
species 14.
Count  1
Aaron Short
species 15.
Count  1
Aaron Short
species 16.
Count  1
Aaron Short
species 17.
Count  1
Aaron Short
species 18.
Count  1
Aaron Short
species 19.
Count  1
Aaron Short
species 20.
Count  3
Aaron Short
species 21.
Count  3
Aaron Short
species 22.
Count  8
Aaron Short
species 23.
Count  2
Aaron Short
species 24.
Count  1
Aaron Short
species 25.
Count  3
Aaron Short
species 26.
Count  2
Aaron Short
species 27.
Count  7
Aaron Short