Explore Species
Maps, stats, photos, and sounds for any bird in the world, including personalized stats based on your eBirding
Maps, stats, photos, and sounds for any bird in the world, including personalized stats based on your eBirding
Recent sightings, checklists, birding activity, best hotspots, and top birders for a county, state, province, country, territory, or dependency
Explore interactive range maps by species or subspecies — zoom in for details
Discover the best places for birding nearby or around the world.
Explore media through the Macaulay Library
Find out what birds to expect throughout the year in a region or location
Prioritized list of county, state, or life birds that you can expect to find in a region
Reports and email alerts for rarities and species you haven't seen
Compare with the top eBirders in your region.
How many species and checklists have you submitted for your yard?
How many species and checklists have you submitted for your favorite birding patches?
This self-paced course gives you the essential tools to maximize what you get out of your eBirding.
Free, global bird ID and field guide app powered by your sightings and media.
Create custom ID quizzes for anywhere in the world
Watch in real time as people submit their sightings from across the globe.