

Block type:


Effort hours (diurnal/nocturnal):

718.88 / 27.08

Updated 54 min ago.

482 Checklists 25 Atlasers

Observed Possible Probable Confirmed Total
North Carolina Bird Atlas 67 16 32 27 75

Species Observed

Species Breeding Evidence Location Date
Wood Duck Confirmed (NB) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 11 Apr 2022
Wild Turkey Confirmed (NE) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 15 May 2022
Chimney Swift Confirmed (FL) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 12 Aug 2022
Ruby-throated Hummingbird Confirmed (FL) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 5 Aug 2021
Belted Kingfisher Confirmed (CF) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 20 Apr 2024
Red-bellied Woodpecker Confirmed (NB) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 11 Apr 2022
Downy Woodpecker Confirmed (ON) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 25 Apr 2022
Eastern Phoebe Confirmed (NB) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 3 Mar 2024
Great Crested Flycatcher Confirmed (ON) 401–413 Sharon Rd, Fairview US-NC 35.51740, -82.42250 11 May 2022
Eastern Kingbird Confirmed (CN) 9–91 Wilson Rd, Fairview US-NC 35.51411, -82.37932 11 May 2022
Red-eyed Vireo Confirmed (ON) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 14 Jun 2023
Carolina Chickadee Confirmed (NY) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 12 May 2024
Tufted Titmouse Confirmed (FY) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 23 Jun 2022
Tree Swallow Confirmed (NY) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 29 Apr 2024
White-breasted Nuthatch Confirmed (ON) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 26 Jun 2021
Carolina Wren Confirmed (NB) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 26 Mar 2024
Brown Thrasher Confirmed (CF) Miller Road, Fairview 2 Jul 2023
Eastern Bluebird Confirmed (NY) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 26 Jun 2021
Cedar Waxwing Confirmed (NB) 9–91 Wilson Rd, Fairview US-NC 35.51411, -82.37932 11 May 2022
House Finch Confirmed (ON) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 18 Jun 2022
American Goldfinch Confirmed (FY) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 10 Oct 2021
Orchard Oriole Confirmed (FL) 40 Moores Pond Road, Fairview, North Carolina, US (35.542, -82.415) 16 Jun 2022
Red-winged Blackbird Confirmed (FY) 10–92 Wilson Rd, Fairview US-NC (35.5129,-82.3806) 11 May 2022
Worm-eating Warbler Confirmed (CF) 79 Whitaker Lane, Fairview, North Carolina, US (35.529, -82.381) 23 Jun 2024
Scarlet Tanager Confirmed (FL) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 26 Jul 2023
Blue Grosbeak Confirmed (CF) 9–91 Wilson Rd, Fairview US-NC (35.5111,-82.3813) 11 May 2022
Indigo Bunting Confirmed (DD) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 14 Jun 2023
Canada Goose Probable (P) 9–91 Wilson Rd, Fairview US-NC 35.51411, -82.37932 11 May 2022
Blue-winged Teal Probable (P) 68 Camby Dr, Fairview US-NC 35.50537, -82.39263 4 Apr 2022
Mallard Probable (C) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 26 Mar 2024
Mourning Dove Probable (M) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 26 Jun 2021
American Woodcock Probable (C) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 20 Feb 2022
Red-shouldered Hawk Probable (P) Peter and Ellen Jensen’s 20 Jun 2024
Broad-winged Hawk Probable (S7) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 6 Apr 2024
Red-tailed Hawk Probable (P) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 6 Apr 2024
Pileated Woodpecker Probable (P) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 8 Mar 2023
Acadian Flycatcher Probable (S7) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 11 Jun 2024
White-eyed Vireo Probable (S7) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 11 Jun 2022
Blue Jay Probable (S7) Western NC 23 Aug 2024
Purple Martin Probable (N) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 11 Jun 2024
Barn Swallow Probable (P) Wilson Rd, Fairview US-NC (35.5100,-82.3823) 24 Aug 2021
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher Probable (S7) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 26 Jun 2021
House Wren Probable (B) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 27 Apr 2024
Wood Thrush Probable (M) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 26 Jun 2021
American Robin Probable (P) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 26 Jun 2021
Chipping Sparrow Probable (P) Wilson Rd, Fairview US-NC 35.50967, -82.38303 11 May 2022
Field Sparrow Probable (M) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 30 Mar 2023
Song Sparrow Probable (P) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 14 Jan 2022
Swamp Sparrow Probable (A) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 16 Apr 2024
Eastern Towhee Probable (T) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 13 Mar 2024
Eastern Meadowlark Probable (N) 9–91 Wilson Rd, Fairview US-NC (35.5111,-82.3813) 11 May 2022
Brown-headed Cowbird Probable (C) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 30 Mar 2023
Louisiana Waterthrush Probable (S7) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 28 Apr 2022
Swainson's Warbler Probable (S7) Roseanne Lane 29 Apr 2022
Common Yellowthroat Probable (S7) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 10 Jun 2023
Hooded Warbler Probable (M) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 19 Jun 2024
Northern Parula Probable (S7) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 8 Jul 2023
Pine Warbler Probable (S7) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 18 Feb 2022
Northern Cardinal Probable (A) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 8 Jul 2023
Yellow-billed Cuckoo Possible (S) 275–325 Sharon Rd, Fairview US-NC 35.51231, -82.41780 11 May 2022
Eastern Screech-Owl Possible (S) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 18 Jul 2024
Great Horned Owl Possible (S) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 10 Mar 2023
Eastern Wood-Pewee Possible (S) 306 Sharon Rd, Fairview US-NC 35.51208, -82.41762 11 May 2022
Yellow-throated Vireo Possible (S) Emmas Grove Road 21 Jul 2024
Blue-headed Vireo Possible (S) 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 27 Mar 2024
American Crow Possible (H) Emmas Grove Road 21 Jul 2024
European Starling Possible (S) Wilson Rd, Fairview US-NC 35.50967, -82.38303 11 May 2022
Gray Catbird Possible (S) 37–39 Miller Rd, Fairview US-NC 35.52508, -82.40412 11 May 2022
Common Grackle Possible (S) 14 Bonn-E-Ln, Fairview US-NC 35.53960, -82.41529 22 May 2021
Black-and-white Warbler Possible (S) 37–39 Miller Rd, Fairview US-NC 35.52508, -82.40412 11 May 2022
American Redstart Possible (S) 306 Sharon Rd, Fairview US-NC 35.51208, -82.41762 11 May 2022
Blackburnian Warbler Possible (H) Wilson Rd, Fairview US-NC (35.5100,-82.3823) 24 Aug 2021
Yellow Warbler Possible (S) 306 Sharon Rd, Fairview US-NC 35.51208, -82.41762 11 May 2022
Chestnut-sided Warbler Possible (S) 306 Sharon Rd, Fairview US-NC 35.51208, -82.41762 11 May 2022
Canada Warbler Possible (S) 10 Dode Whitaker Rd, Fairview US-NC 35.53085, -82.40673 11 May 2022
Northern Shoveler Observed Smith Knolls Road 8 Mar 2022
Ring-necked Duck Observed Wilson road 30 Dec 2023
Hooded Merganser Observed Wilson Rd, Fairview US-NC 35.51029, -82.38179 1 Jan 2023
duck sp. Observed Wilson Rd, Fairview US-NC 35.51029, -82.38179 2 Jan 2022
Black-billed Cuckoo Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 22 Aug 2021
Common Nighthawk Observed Wnc 16 Sep 2024
Chuck-will's-widow Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 2 May 2021
Killdeer Observed Wilson road 4 May 2024
Wilson's Snipe Observed Wilson road 20 Apr 2023
Spotted Sandpiper Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 11 Jun 2024
Solitary Sandpiper Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 28 Apr 2024
Green Heron Observed 68 Camby Dr, Fairview US-NC 35.50514, -82.39262 20 Aug 2022
Great Egret Observed 68 Camby Dr, Fairview US-NC 35.50492, -82.39256 3 Sep 2024
Great Blue Heron Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 20 Sep 2024
Black Vulture Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 23 Sep 2024
Turkey Vulture Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 22 Sep 2024
Osprey Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 16 Apr 2024
Northern Harrier Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 22 Apr 2021
Sharp-shinned Hawk Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 27 Jun 2024
Cooper's Hawk Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 3 Sep 2024
Sharp-shinned/Cooper's Hawk Observed 68 Camby Drive 9 Sep 2021
Bald Eagle Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 4 Mar 2022
hawk sp. Observed 40 Moores Pond Road, Fairview, North Carolina, US (35.542, -82.415) 16 Jun 2022
Barred Owl Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 29 Mar 2021
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 13 Mar 2024
Red-headed Woodpecker Observed Wilson road 9 Oct 2022
Hairy Woodpecker Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 23 Sep 2024
Downy/Hairy Woodpecker Observed 68 Camby Dr, Fairview US-NC 35.50492, -82.39256 17 Feb 2024
Northern Flicker Observed 1334 Charlotte Hwy, Fairview US-NC 35.52419, -82.41375 30 Dec 2023
woodpecker sp. Observed 68 Camby Drive 4 Jul 2021
American Kestrel Observed Wilson road 9 Oct 2022
Least Flycatcher Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 27 Apr 2024
Philadelphia Vireo Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 3 Oct 2023
Common Raven Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 3 Jan 2024
Northern Rough-winged Swallow Observed Wilson road 11 Mar 2024
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 22 Apr 2024
Golden-crowned Kinglet Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 27 Mar 2024
Brown Creeper Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 2 Nov 2023
Winter Wren Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 8 Mar 2024
Northern Mockingbird Observed Root Cause Fields 18 May 2024
Veery Observed Wnc 19 Sep 2024
Swainson's Thrush Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 23 Sep 2024
Hermit Thrush Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 6 Apr 2024
House Sparrow Observed Roseanne Lane 29 Apr 2022
American Pipit Observed Wilson Rd, Fairview US-NC 35.51029, -82.38179 2 Jan 2022
Purple Finch Observed Wilson road 4 May 2024
Pine Siskin Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 22 Apr 2021
Grasshopper Sparrow Observed Wilson road 4 May 2024
Dark-eyed Junco Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 27 Mar 2024
White-throated Sparrow Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 28 Apr 2024
Savannah Sparrow Observed Sharon Rd, Fletcher US-NC 35.50681, -82.41373 1 Jan 2023
Lincoln's Sparrow Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 25 Oct 2023
Yellow-breasted Chat Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 19 Sep 2024
Ovenbird Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 23 Sep 2024
Northern Waterthrush Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 19 Sep 2024
Blue-winged Warbler Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 8 Sep 2024
Tennessee Warbler Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 23 Sep 2024
Orange-crowned Warbler Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 10 Oct 2021
Nashville Warbler Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 7 Oct 2022
Kentucky Warbler Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 14 Sep 2023
Cape May Warbler Observed Wnc 19 Sep 2024
Magnolia Warbler Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 20 Sep 2024
Bay-breasted Warbler Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 13 Oct 2023
Blackpoll Warbler Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 12 Oct 2023
Black-throated Blue Warbler Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 19 Sep 2024
Palm Warbler Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 14 Sep 2023
Yellow-rumped Warbler Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 19 Sep 2024
Yellow-throated Warbler Observed Dickies 1 May 2024
Prairie Warbler Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 23 Apr 2024
Black-throated Green Warbler Observed Wooded area 21 Sep 2024
Summer Tanager Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 26 Sep 2021
Rose-breasted Grosbeak Observed 20CCC CANE CREEK VALLEY 23 Sep 2024

Recent visits

Checklists submitted within the last hour are not shown.
Observer Date Species
doug norton 23 Sep 2024 19
Mathew Sumner 22 Sep 2024 9
doug norton 22 Sep 2024 20
Mathew Sumner 21 Sep 2024 19
Mathew Sumner 20 Sep 2024 17
doug norton 20 Sep 2024 30
Mathew Sumner 19 Sep 2024 14
doug norton 19 Sep 2024 22
Mathew Sumner 16 Sep 2024 5
doug norton 8 Sep 2024 28
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