Name Diur hr Noct hr Obsv Poss Prob Conf Total Comp
Alligator Lake CE 0.83 0.00 9 9 9
Alligator Lake CW 9.15 0.00 5 32 5 4 41
Alligator Lake NE 1.62 0.00 4 14 12 2 28
Alligator Lake NW (P) 18.07 1.00 5 19 20 13 52
Alligator Lake SE 0.00 0.00 0
Alligator Lake SW 1.15 0.00 9 16 3 2 21
Amherst CE 4.35 0.17 9 36 5 2 43
Amherst CW 16.16 0.00 8 22 10 23 55
Amherst NE 27.62 0.00 8 27 12 30 69
Amherst NW (P) 22.14 0.17 14 19 21 34 74
Amherst SE 1.55 0.00 11 8 2 4 14
Amherst SW 1.20 0.00 4 26 2 28
Baker Island CW 1.48 0.00 10 1 4 5
Baker Island NW (P) 21.93 0.00 33 2 7 5 14
Baker Island SW 216.47 0.00 50 18 11 17 46
Bar Harbor CE 3.67 0.00 9 5 4 3 12
Bar Harbor CW 11.37 0.00 22 5 2 7
Bar Harbor NE 22.80 0.00 24 42 4 6 52
Bar Harbor NW (P) 28.10 0.78 16 20 17 23 60
Bar Harbor SE 16.15 0.00 24 6 4 10
Bar Harbor SW 295.29 0.20 90 16 13 47 76
Bartlett Island CE 56.07 1.42 32 21 20 26 67
Bartlett Island CW 0.33 0.00 10 1 1
Bartlett Island NE 107.20 1.53 39 11 20 33 64
Bartlett Island NW (P) 19.27 0.00 19 15 3 19 37
Bartlett Island SE 340.25 4.87 60 9 11 56 76
Bartlett Island SW 7.93 0.00 23 8 5 13
Bass Harbor CW 26.45 0.00 29 7 4 8 19
Bass Harbor NE 159.69 1.50 89 15 10 41 66
Bass Harbor NW (P) 448.43 1.57 59 20 23 48 91
Bass Harbor SE 14.75 0.00 12 6 5 11 22
Bass Harbor SW 2.00 0.00 7 2 5 7
Beech Hill Pond CE 40.04 3.87 16 27 20 7 54
Beech Hill Pond CW 5.45 0.30 20 21 4 3 28
Beech Hill Pond NE 3.72 0.40 9 14 8 1 23
Beech Hill Pond NW (P) 23.60 3.20 4 23 23 20 66
Beech Hill Pond SE 4.20 0.22 6 11 11 14 36
Beech Hill Pond SW 48.02 0.00 6 24 10 34 68
Blue Hill CE 73.73 1.12 31 12 24 29 65
Blue Hill CW 115.00 0.13 32 17 30 37 84
Blue Hill NE 59.84 1.25 46 12 17 30 59
Blue Hill NW (P) 78.65 0.75 16 24 18 37 79
Blue Hill SE 46.83 0.02 33 11 25 17 53
Blue Hill SW 44.14 8.83 42 17 9 32 58
Branch Lake CE 8.38 0.00 5 35 8 9 52
Branch Lake CW 7.93 0.62 18 21 22 7 50
Branch Lake NE 62.88 0.00 21 20 18 30 68
Branch Lake NW (P) 27.99 0.12 6 20 28 23 71
Branch Lake SE 54.77 0.20 13 17 19 36 72
Branch Lake SW 81.69 1.00 8 17 22 48 87
Brandy Pond CE (P) 23.20 0.00 5 25 19 16 60
Brandy Pond CW 1.64 0.00 1 15 8 1 24
Brandy Pond SE 37.32 0.00 3 25 16 27 68
Brandy Pond SW 0.97 0.00 1 26 1 2 29
Brewer Lake CE 7.22 0.00 19 17 4 1 22
Brewer Lake CW 22.83 0.00 8 15 35 12 62
Brewer Lake SE 7.20 0.00 9 16 16 5 37
Brewer Lake SW 41.53 0.23 14 24 39 14 77
Brooklin CE 21.19 0.00 38 18 5 7 30
Brooklin CW 27.73 0.00 35 17 12 34 63
Brooklin NE 3.04 0.00 23 9 3 12
Brooklin NW (P) 61.68 0.17 26 24 26 23 73
Brooklin SE 24.97 0.50 27 20 6 13 39
Brooklin SW 7.00 0.00 15 24 2 6 32
Bucksport CE 15.80 0.00 24 41 4 9 54
Bucksport NE 5.45 0.90 15 18 9 5 32
Bucksport SE (P) 106.97 0.00 21 22 19 33 74
Cape Rosier CE 10.30 0.00 24 12 23 16 51
Cape Rosier CW 1.50 0.00 3 17 15 13 45
Cape Rosier NE 56.66 0.00 26 28 21 29 78
Cape Rosier SE 0.62 0.00 5 0
Cape Rosier SW 0.32 0.00 2 2
Castine CE 7.70 0.00 27 33 3 4 40
Castine NE 359.38 0.50 42 20 5 23 48
Castine SE 22.27 0.98 17 29 23 28 80
Castine SW 45.47 0.00 57 17 7 26 50
Deer Isle CE 65.89 2.15 23 29 10 12 51
Deer Isle CW 61.07 0.28 42 21 7 15 43
Deer Isle NE 39.10 0.00 48 21 16 21 58
Deer Isle NW (P) 47.37 0.00 43 18 18 16 52
Deer Isle SE 24.05 0.33 46 21 5 8 34
Deer Isle SW 5.12 0.00 13 19 5 11 35
Duck Lake CW 2.35 0.00 2 21 3 2 26
Duck Lake NW (P) 15.92 0.00 1 17 16 21 54
Duck Lake SE 0.00 0.00 0
Duck Lake SW 1.07 0.00 1 17 3 1 21
Eastbrook CE (P) 27.49 0.00 10 24 26 25 75
Eastbrook CW 1.63 0.00 1 17 1 8 26
Eastbrook NE 0.00 0.00 0
Eastbrook NW (P) 36.99 0.00 15 30 17 28 75
Eastbrook SE (P) 22.82 0.00 2 22 24 27 73
Eastbrook SW 0.83 0.00 2 25 1 26
Ellsworth CE 80.65 0.45 32 16 25 34 75
Ellsworth CW 5.43 0.07 25 19 8 8 35
Ellsworth NE 54.66 0.08 16 15 17 40 72
Ellsworth NW (P) 73.05 0.00 16 19 28 33 80
Ellsworth SE 59.02 0.10 41 20 16 31 67
Ellsworth SW 65.20 0.00 17 20 20 26 66
Frenchboro NW (P) 77.42 0.00 48 20 17 15 52
Gassabias Lake CE 1.19 0.00 3 22 2 1 25
Gassabias Lake CW 17.00 0.00 34 3 3 2 8
Gassabias Lake NE 1.97 0.00 8 2 3 5
Gassabias Lake NW (P) 15.28 0.00 5 27 19 20 66
Gassabias Lake SE 1.17 0.25 19 1 1 21
Gassabias Lake SW 4.83 0.00 16 19 1 3 23
Great Pond CE 81.03 1.00 20 25 20 19 64
Great Pond CW 0.08 0.00 4 4
Great Pond NE 6.80 0.00 3 26 11 10 47
Great Pond NW (P) 34.97 3.05 5 24 14 23 61
Great Pond SE 10.63 0.00 6 9 15 1 25
Great Pond SW 18.37 0.00 17 18 17 10 45
Green Lake CE 1.22 0.00 30 1 2 33
Green Lake CW 188.25 2.22 36 6 19 24 49
Green Lake NE 37.92 0.00 23 14 10 4 28
Green Lake NW (P) 35.39 0.00 4 23 17 30 70
Green Lake SE 16.03 0.00 12 24 13 14 51
Green Lake SW 68.17 0.00 45 6 29 34 69
Hampden SE 2.30 1.80 2 30 11 3 44
Hancock CE (P) 29.69 0.95 16 15 23 24 62
Hancock CW 21.63 0.67 12 19 18 16 53
Hancock NE 3.18 1.38 28 19 1 2 22
Hancock NW (P) 32.93 0.00 14 17 18 18 53
Hancock SE 15.57 0.00 41 23 6 9 38
Hancock SW (P) 67.53 0.58 33 15 21 33 69
Hopkins Pond CE 33.52 0.88 7 18 13 40 71
Hopkins Pond NE 82.27 2.38 12 15 18 38 71
Hopkins Pond SE 15.47 0.00 9 17 9 22 48
Isle au Haut East NE 1.45 0.00 3 1 6 7
Isle au Haut West NW (P) 17.43 0.00 5 7 6 5 18
Johns Island CW 0.00 0.00 0
Johns Island NE 0.50 0.00 1 1 3 5
Johns Island NW (P) 17.50 0.00 4 2 6 13 21
Lead Mtn CW 0.37 0.00 4 8 2 1 11
Lead Mtn NW (P) 29.35 0.60 11 19 20 14 53
Lead Mtn SW 0.83 0.00 21 1 22
Molasses Pond CE 8.05 0.00 9 12 21 6 39
Molasses Pond CW (P) 29.32 0.07 10 20 16 33 69
Molasses Pond NE 0.00 0.00 0
Molasses Pond NW (P) 17.12 0.00 5 19 14 25 58
Molasses Pond SE 9.25 0.00 16 18 18 3 39
Molasses Pond SW (P) 20.22 0.00 5 16 24 25 65
Newbury Neck CE 6.55 0.33 11 29 9 5 43
Newbury Neck CW 124.54 0.98 43 12 16 28 56
Newbury Neck NE 15.19 0.08 24 12 21 18 51
Newbury Neck NW (P) 105.28 0.87 19 11 22 34 67
Newbury Neck SE 10.50 0.00 39 9 3 5 17
Newbury Neck SW 6.45 0.00 21 12 3 5 20
North Haven East NE 11.90 0.00 38 2 3 14 19
North Haven East NW (P) 15.87 1.38 15 12 10 12 34
Orland CE 130.38 16.17 23 19 33 32 84
Orland CW 9.35 0.05 32 31 13 10 54
Orland NE 249.24 21.83 27 17 33 50 100
Orland NW (P) 124.53 1.50 15 25 32 47 104
Orland SE 123.61 7.27 25 16 14 65 95
Orland SW 0.89 0.00 19 22 2 24
Penobscot CE 30.18 0.25 18 30 13 17 60
Penobscot CW 19.30 0.42 39 22 12 17 51
Penobscot NE 16.63 0.00 15 33 19 22 74
Penobscot NW (P) 65.07 0.75 22 26 36 21 83
Penobscot SE 51.52 0.00 28 22 14 26 62
Penobscot SW 66.32 12.68 49 20 16 24 60
Petit Manan CW 1.82 0.00 18 18 2 4 24
Petit Manan SW (P) 96.12 3.60 51 24 24 33 81
Quillpig Mtn NE 2.58 1.17 1 31 7 4 42
Quillpig Mtn NW (P) 16.25 0.00 2 24 22 22 68
Rocky Pond CE 10.33 0.00 3 19 1 20
Rocky Pond CW 1.65 0.00 1 16 10 2 28
Rocky Pond NE 3.88 0.00 2 22 9 7 38
Rocky Pond NW (P) 36.45 0.28 4 23 13 27 63
Rocky Pond SE 0.65 0.00 1 11 7 18
Rocky Pond SW 1.49 0.00 2 23 9 32
Salsbury Cove CE (P) 125.19 1.25 70 15 15 50 80
Salsbury Cove CW 283.60 6.07 81 19 22 55 96
Salsbury Cove NE 37.84 0.42 43 8 22 27 57
Salsbury Cove NW (P) 191.65 3.13 46 14 23 35 72
Salsbury Cove SE 217.11 1.65 55 15 18 60 93
Salsbury Cove SW 664.60 13.90 63 10 22 62 94
Saponac CE 2.60 0.00 1 27 5 1 33
Saponac SE 0.40 0.00 11 1 12
Sargentville CE 15.38 0.00 17 32 7 10 49
Sargentville CW 9.78 0.00 17 15 22 5 42
Sargentville NE 4.58 0.00 18 11 2 13
Sargentville NW (P) 30.53 0.00 15 20 20 35 75
Sargentville SE 44.62 0.00 69 17 13 17 47
Sargentville SW 48.17 0.00 12 30 16 13 59
Schoodic Head CE 40.16 3.32 46 10 2 12 24
Schoodic Head CW 3.18 0.00 22 1 1
Schoodic Head NE 227.89 8.47 53 15 18 41 74
Schoodic Head NW (P) 109.85 1.50 45 12 8 34 54
Seal Harbor CE 96.62 0.03 50 23 5 21 49
Seal Harbor CW 246.24 0.00 50 23 13 35 71
Seal Harbor NE 123.37 1.48 57 25 9 34 68
Seal Harbor NW (P) 1,107.16 13.57 62 16 16 57 89
Seal Harbor SW 27.28 0.00 46 16 9 8 33
Southwest Harbor CE 203.95 2.00 37 18 11 49 78
Southwest Harbor CW 311.25 0.82 38 14 16 38 68
Southwest Harbor NE 437.56 5.68 88 13 16 55 84
Southwest Harbor NW (P) 154.47 7.70 55 20 17 41 78
Southwest Harbor SE 111.70 1.13 58 15 14 36 65
Southwest Harbor SW (P) 235.30 2.28 56 17 24 49 90
Spring Lake CE 0.83 0.00 29 1 1 31
Spring Lake CW 4.25 0.00 2 18 13 1 32
Spring Lake NE 0.00 0.00 0
Spring Lake NW (P) 19.25 0.00 1 22 23 12 57
Spring Lake SE 0.08 0.00 7 1 8
Spring Lake SW 2.00 0.00 21 6 2 29
Stinson Neck CE 1.00 0.00 4 4 4
Stinson Neck CW 7.58 0.00 15 5 4 9 18
Stinson Neck NE 70.31 0.58 37 20 16 26 62
Stinson Neck NW (P) 28.81 0.00 34 16 14 20 50
Stinson Neck SE 1.57 0.00 1 4 5
Stinson Neck SW 19.72 0.00 17 11 8 19
Sullivan CE 90.12 0.00 33 23 18 25 66
Sullivan CW 54.39 6.78 50 14 30 24 68
Sullivan NE 15.22 0.00 21 20 10 5 35
Sullivan NW (P) 28.00 0.00 18 25 26 17 68
Sullivan SE 51.13 1.00 23 29 26 19 74
Sullivan SW 13.72 0.08 26 29 6 12 47
Swans Island CE 6.50 0.00 14 27 1 2 30
Swans Island CW 9.17 0.00 16 13 1 5 19
Swans Island NE 9.37 0.00 22 16 1 6 23
Swans Island NW (P) 642.72 29.18 58 23 5 18 46
Swans Island SE 7.90 0.34 46 1 1 4 6
Swans Island SW 3.73 0.00 21 25 2 3 30
The Horseback CE 1.00 0.00 1 20 3 1 24
The Horseback CW 0.37 0.00 1 8 1 9
The Horseback NE 9.42 1.10 12 27 6 10 43
The Horseback NW (P) 34.54 1.42 7 21 18 19 58
The Horseback SE 0.00 0.00 2 8 2 10
The Horseback SW 0.83 0.00 23 1 24
Tunk Lake CE 1.02 0.00 5 21 2 1 24
Tunk Lake CW 19.48 0.00 24 16 12 11 39
Tunk Lake NE 5.53 0.00 8 5 3 7 15
Tunk Lake NW (P) 28.49 0.60 8 13 9 23 45
Tunk Lake SE 3.79 0.52 9 11 21 7 39
Tunk Lake SW 20.50 0.00 15 20 28 6 54
Tunk Mtn CW 4.58 0.00 9 12 20 3 35
Tunk Mtn NW (P) 15.47 0.00 10 18 23 13 54
Tunk Mtn SE 0.00 0.00 0
Tunk Mtn SW 22.85 0.00 11 28 7 11 46
West Lake CE 3.60 0.00 1 25 3 3 31
West Lake CW 0.92 0.00 29 29
West Lake NE 4.90 0.00 1 20 1 7 28
West Lake NW (P) 15.92 0.00 2 22 20 7 49
West Lake SE 0.53 0.00 1 6 1 1 8
West Lake SW 0.83 0.00 11 12 1 13
Winter Harbor CE (P) 52.96 1.02 14 22 30 16 68
Winter Harbor CW 6.62 0.00 25 10 2 4 16
Winter Harbor NE 119.59 6.06 22 17 28 45 90
Winter Harbor NW (P) 192.25 0.00 22 13 29 38 80
Winter Harbor SE 27.15 8.87 34 19 4 18 41
Winter Harbor SW 208.74 0.05 71 18 18 38 74
Z 1074 NE 695.88 0.00 74 1 5 6