

Block type:


Effort hours (diurnal/nocturnal):

437.56 / 5.68

Updated ~8 hr(s) ago.

507 Checklists 118 Atlasers

Observed Possible Probable Confirmed Total
Maine BBA 2018-2022 88 13 16 55 84

Species Observed

Species Breeding Evidence Location Date
Snowy Owl Observed Acadia NP--Sargent Mountain 31 Dec 2022
Peregrine Falcon Observed Acadia NP--Sargent Mountain 30 Nov 2022
Pine Siskin Observed Acadia NP--Parkman Mountain 30 Nov 2022
Snow Bunting Observed Acadia NP--Sargent Mountain 29 Nov 2022
Pine Grosbeak Observed Acadia NP--Sargent Mountain 23 Nov 2022
passerine sp. Observed Acadia NP--Sargent Mountain 22 Nov 2022
Red-breasted Merganser Observed Acadia NP--Parkman Mountain 22 Nov 2022
Mallard x American Black Duck (hybrid) Observed Mount Desert Island High School 18 Oct 2022
Green-winged Teal Observed Mount Desert Island High School 18 Oct 2022
Great Blue Heron Observed Mount Desert Island High School 18 Oct 2022
new world sparrow sp. Observed Mount Desert Island High School 18 Oct 2022
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Observed Mount Desert Island High School 9 Oct 2022
Turkey Vulture Observed Acadia NP--Parkman Mountain 4 Oct 2022
Herring Gull Observed Mount Desert Island High School 17 Sep 2022
Philadelphia Vireo Observed Mount Desert Island High School 17 Sep 2022
Cape May Warbler Observed Mount Desert Island High School 17 Sep 2022
Double-crested Cormorant Observed Suminsby Park and Sargent Drive 29 Aug 2022
Downy Woodpecker Confirmed (FY) Mount Desert Island High School 27 Aug 2022
Palm Warbler Observed Mount Desert Island High School 27 Aug 2022
Pileated Woodpecker Confirmed (FL) Mount Desert Island High School 27 Aug 2022
Olive-sided Flycatcher Observed Mount Desert Island High School 24 Aug 2022
Eastern Wood-Pewee Confirmed (FL) Mount Desert Island High School 24 Aug 2022
Osprey Confirmed (NY) Mount Desert Island High School 16 Aug 2022
Merlin Confirmed (FL) Mount Desert Island High School 12 Aug 2022
Red Crossbill Possible (H) Mount Desert Island High School 12 Aug 2022
Wood Duck Confirmed (FL) Mount Desert Island High School 8 Aug 2022
Spotted Sandpiper Observed Mount Desert Island High School 8 Aug 2022
Golden-crowned Kinglet Confirmed (FY) Mount Desert Island High School 8 Aug 2022
Common Nighthawk Confirmed (NY) Acadia NP--Giant Slide Trail, Lower Part 3 Aug 2022
Accipiter sp. Observed Mount Desert Island High School 30 Jul 2022
Gray Catbird Confirmed (CF) Mount Desert Island High School 30 Jul 2022
Red-eyed Vireo Confirmed (FL) 543 Sargeant Point Rd, Mount Desert US-ME 44.34175, -68.30741 27 Jul 2022
Tennessee Warbler Possible (S) Mount Desert Island High School 10 Jul 2022
Northern Parula Confirmed (FY) Mount Desert Island High School 8 Jul 2022
Hooded Merganser Confirmed (FL) Mount Desert Island High School 4 Jul 2022
Cedar Waxwing Confirmed (CF) Mount Desert Island High School 4 Jul 2022
Winter Wren Probable (S7) Mount Desert Island High School 28 Jun 2022
Indigo Bunting Observed Mount Desert Island High School 28 Jun 2022
Eastern Kingbird Observed Mount Desert Island High School 26 Jun 2022
Yellow Warbler Probable (S7) Mount Desert Island High School 26 Jun 2022
Nashville Warbler Confirmed (CF) Mount Desert Island High School 24 Jun 2022
Ruby-crowned Kinglet Probable (T) Mount Desert Island High School 23 Jun 2022
Pine Warbler Probable (T) Mount Desert Island High School 18 Jun 2022
American Redstart Probable (S7) Mount Desert Island High School 12 Jun 2022
Great Black-backed Gull Observed Acadia National Park, Mount Desert US-ME 44.33522, -68.25317 10 Jun 2022
Barn Swallow Confirmed (ON) Mount Desert Island High School 26 May 2022
new world warbler sp. Observed Acadia NP--Parkman Mountain 23 May 2022
Chimney Swift Observed Mount Desert Island High School 23 May 2022
Ring-necked Duck Observed Mount Desert Island High School 12 Apr 2022
Great Horned Owl Possible (H) Southwest Harbor NE: Woods south of Stone Haven Road 6 Feb 2022
Belted Kingfisher Observed Mount Desert Island High School 14 Sep 2021
Solitary Sandpiper Observed Mount Desert Island High School 24 Aug 2021
Ruby-throated Hummingbird Possible (H) Mount Desert Island High School 13 Jul 2021
Common Merganser Confirmed (FL) Sargent Cove 28 Jun 2021
Chipping Sparrow Confirmed (CF) Mount Desert Island High School 28 Jun 2021
Mallard Confirmed (NY) Mount Desert Island High School 27 Jun 2021
Downy/Hairy Woodpecker Observed Mount Desert Island High School 27 Jun 2021
Wood Thrush Observed Acadia NP--Bubble Mountain Trails 29 May 2021
White-crowned Sparrow Observed Mount Desert Island High School 20 May 2021
Black-capped Chickadee Confirmed (NB) Mount Desert Island High School 16 May 2021
Evening Grosbeak Observed Mount Desert Island High School 16 May 2021
Wild Turkey Probable (C) Mount Desert Island High School 16 May 2021
Eastern Bluebird Observed Mount Desert Island High School 16 May 2021
Bobolink Observed Mount Desert Island High School 15 May 2021
Bay-breasted Warbler Observed Mount Desert Island High School 15 May 2021
Wilson's Warbler Observed Mount Desert Island High School 15 May 2021
Cliff Swallow Observed Mount Desert Island High School 9 May 2021
Canada Jay Observed Mount Desert Island High School 3 May 2021
Catharus sp. Observed Mount Desert Island High School 3 May 2021
Common Eider Observed Maine Acadia NP General 24 Apr 2021
Mallard/American Black Duck Observed Mount Desert Island High School 21 Apr 2021
American Kestrel Observed Mount Desert Island High School 20 Apr 2021
House Finch Observed Mount Desert Island High School 19 Apr 2021
Fox Sparrow Observed Giant Slide Road, Mount Desert 4 Apr 2021
Northern Saw-whet Owl Observed (No) Mount Desert Island High School 22 Jan 2021
Red-bellied Woodpecker Observed RA Corner Sound Drive, Mount Desert, Maine, US (44.365, -68.308) 15 Nov 2020
Common Redpoll Observed Acadia NP--Sargent Mountain 15 Nov 2020
Ring-billed Gull Observed Sargent Cove MDI 30 Oct 2020
Orange-crowned Warbler Observed Mount Desert Island High School 27 Oct 2020
Northern Shoveler Observed Acadia NP--Aunt Betty's Pond Carriage Path Loop 2 Oct 2020
Semipalmated Sandpiper Observed Mount Desert Island High School 30 Sep 2020
Pectoral Sandpiper Observed Mount Desert Island High School 28 Sep 2020
Lincoln's Sparrow Observed Mount Desert Island High School 28 Sep 2020
Lesser Yellowlegs Observed Mount Desert Island High School 26 Sep 2020
Wilson's Snipe Observed Mount Desert Island High School 18 Sep 2020
Blue-winged Teal Observed Mount Desert Island High School 16 Sep 2020
Long-billed Dowitcher Observed Mount Desert Island High School 14 Sep 2020
Greater Yellowlegs Observed Mount Desert Island High School 17 Aug 2020
small falcon sp. Observed Mount Desert Island High School 17 Aug 2020
Swainson's Thrush Probable (S7) Acadia NP--Sargent Mountain 26 Jul 2020
Eastern Towhee Confirmed (FY) Acadia NP--Sargent Mountain 19 Jul 2020
American Goshawk Confirmed (FL) Mount Desert Island High School 14 Jul 2020
Ovenbird Confirmed (CF) Mount Desert Island High School 13 Jul 2020
Blackpoll Warbler Possible (S) Acadia NP--Sargent Mountain 9 Jul 2020
American Goldfinch Confirmed (FL) Acadia NP--Park Headquarters 24 Jun 2020
Black Guillemot Observed Acadia NP (please use more specific location if possible) 9 Jun 2020
American Robin Confirmed (CF) Acadia NP (please use more specific location if possible) 9 Jun 2020
Red-breasted Nuthatch Confirmed (CN) Acadia NP--Park Headquarters 27 May 2020
American Bittern Possible (H) Heath Brook, MDIHS area (44.3685,-68.2989) 23 May 2020
Swamp Sparrow Probable (S7) Mount Desert Island High School 19 May 2020
Red-winged Blackbird Confirmed (CN) Mount Desert Island High School 19 May 2020
White-breasted Nuthatch Possible (S) Acadia NP--Parkman Mountain 12 May 2020
Common Raven Confirmed (FL) Common Raven Immature, Eagle Lake Road, Mount Desert, Maine, US (44.364, -68.305) 12 May 2020
American Crow Confirmed (CN) Mount Desert Island High School 7 May 2020
Buteo sp. Observed Mount Desert Island High School 30 Apr 2020
Sora Observed Mount Desert Island High School 26 Apr 2020
Brown-headed Cowbird Observed Mount Desert Island High School 26 Apr 2020
Barred Owl Possible (H) Mount Desert Island High School 19 Apr 2020
White-winged Crossbill Possible (H) Mount Desert Island High School 18 Mar 2020
Black-backed Woodpecker Observed Mount Desert Island High School 6 Sep 2019
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher Observed Mount Desert Island High School 6 Sep 2019
Vesper Sparrow Observed Mount Desert Island High School 6 Sep 2019
Canada Warbler Observed Mount Desert Island High School 6 Sep 2019
Least Sandpiper Observed Mount Desert Island High School 24 Aug 2019
White-throated Sparrow Confirmed (FL) Mount Desert Island High School 14 Aug 2019
Whimbrel Observed Acadia NP--Sargent Mountain 12 Aug 2019
Common Loon Confirmed (FY) Acadia NP--North End Jordan Pond 4 Aug 2019
Northern Cardinal Observed Acadia NP (please use more specific location if possible) 17 Jul 2019
Blue-headed Vireo Confirmed (FL) Acadia NP--Parkman Mountain 17 Jul 2019
Blackburnian Warbler Confirmed (FY) Acadia NP--Parkman Mountain 17 Jul 2019
Black-throated Green Warbler Confirmed (FY) Acadia NP--Parkman Mountain 17 Jul 2019
Alder Flycatcher Probable (N) Mount Desert Island High School 18 Jun 2019
Tree Swallow Confirmed (NY) Mount Desert Island High School 17 Jun 2019
European Starling Confirmed (FL) Mount Desert Island High School 14 Jun 2019
Purple Finch Confirmed (FY) Mount Desert Island High School 14 Jun 2019
Northern Waterthrush Possible (S) Mount Desert Island High School 8 Jun 2019
Chestnut-sided Warbler Possible (S) Mount Desert Island High School 2 Jun 2019
hawk sp. Observed Mount Desert Island High School 26 May 2019
Mourning Dove Probable (P) Mount Desert Island High School 23 May 2019
Alder/Willow Flycatcher (Traill's Flycatcher) Observed Mount Desert Island High School 23 May 2019
Horned Lark Observed Mount Desert Island High School 23 May 2019
Empidonax sp. Observed Mount Desert Island High School 23 May 2019
Warbling Vireo Observed Mount Desert Island High School 18 May 2019
Green Heron Observed Mount Desert Island High School 17 May 2019
Brown Thrasher Observed Mount Desert Island High School 16 May 2019
Tufted Titmouse Observed Acadia NP (please use more specific location if possible) 10 May 2019
House Wren Observed Acadia NP (please use more specific location if possible) 10 May 2019
Veery Observed Acadia NP (please use more specific location if possible) 10 May 2019
Baltimore Oriole Observed Acadia NP (please use more specific location if possible) 10 May 2019
blackbird sp. Observed Mount Desert Island High School 30 Apr 2019
Rock Pigeon Observed Maine Acadia NP General 10 Apr 2019
American Woodcock Probable (C) Mount Desert Island High School 24 Mar 2019
Northern Harrier Observed Northern Harrier, Eagle Lake Road, Bar Harbor, Maine, US (44.366, -68.302) 29 Aug 2018
Blue Jay Confirmed (FL) Mount Desert Island High School 2 Aug 2018
Cooper's Hawk Confirmed (FL) Acadia NP--Sargent Mountain 31 Jul 2018
Black-and-white Warbler Confirmed (FL) Acadia NP--Sargent Mountain 31 Jul 2018
Black-throated Blue Warbler Confirmed (CF) Mount Desert Island High School 12 Jul 2018
Sharp-shinned Hawk Possible (H) Acadia NP--Aunt Betty's Pond Carriage Path Loop 11 Jul 2018
Savannah Sparrow Probable (S7) Mount Desert Island High School 1 Jul 2018
American Black Duck Confirmed (FL) 1081 Eagle Lake Rd, Mount Desert US-ME (44.3732,-68.3022) 24 Jun 2018
Hairy Woodpecker Confirmed (FY) 34 Giant Slide Rd, Mount Desert US-ME (44.3506,-68.2953) 22 Jun 2018
Least Flycatcher Confirmed (NB) 34 Giant Slide Rd, Mount Desert US-ME (44.3506,-68.2953) 20 Jun 2018
Bank Swallow Observed Mount Desert Island High School 17 Jun 2018
Northern Flicker Confirmed (FS) Mount Desert Island High School 17 Jun 2018
Red-tailed Hawk Observed Gilmore Meadow Acadia National Park 9 Jun 2018
Ruffed Grouse Confirmed (FL) Acadia NP--Sargent Mountain 8 Jun 2018
Mourning Warbler Observed (No) Acadia NP—Bar Harbor US-ME (44.3699,-68.2607) 5 Jun 2018
Scarlet Tanager Possible (S) Acadia NP—Bar Harbor US-ME (44.3699,-68.2607) 5 Jun 2018
Purple Martin Observed Mount Desert Island High School 4 Jun 2018
Yellow-rumped Warbler Confirmed (CN) Acadia NP--West Jordan Pond Path 2 Jun 2018
Hermit Thrush Confirmed (CN) 34 Giant Slide Rd, Mount Desert US-ME (44.3506,-68.2953) 28 May 2018
House Sparrow Probable (M) 34 Giant Slide Rd, Mount Desert US-ME (44.3506,-68.2953) 28 May 2018
Common Yellowthroat Confirmed (CN) Mount Desert Island High School 26 May 2018
Common Grackle Confirmed (CN) Mount Desert Island High School 22 May 2018
Yellow-billed Cuckoo Observed Acadia National Park, Sargent Mountain Mount Desert, Maine, US (44.343, -68.284) 21 May 2018
Bald Eagle Probable (P) Acadia National Park, Sargent Mountain Mount Desert, Maine, US (44.343, -68.284) 21 May 2018
Dark-eyed Junco Confirmed (NB) Acadia National Park, Sargent Mountain Mount Desert, Maine, US (44.343, -68.284) 21 May 2018
Canada Goose Confirmed (NE) Mount Desert Island High School 19 May 2018
Killdeer Observed MDIHighSchool - (44.373, -68.302) 19 May 2018
Magnolia Warbler Probable (T) Mount Desert Island High School 19 May 2018
Brown Creeper Probable (P) Mount Desert Island High School 17 May 2018
Song Sparrow Confirmed (CN) Mount Desert Island High School 14 May 2018
Eastern Phoebe Confirmed (NB) Mount Desert Island High School 13 May 2018
Prairie Warbler Observed Mount Desert Island High School 9 May 2018
Marsh Wren Observed Mount Desert Island High School 9 May 2018
Rose-breasted Grosbeak Confirmed (CN) Mount Desert Island High School 9 May 2018
Field Sparrow Observed Mount Desert Island High School 8 May 2018
Broad-winged Hawk Confirmed (CN) Mount Desert Island High School 5 May 2018
Orchard Oriole Observed Mount Desert Island High School 5 May 2018
Blue Grosbeak Observed Mount Desert Island High School 4 May 2018
swallow sp. Observed Mount Desert Island High School 29 Apr 2018
Eastern Meadowlark Observed Mount Desert Island High School 26 Apr 2018
Bufflehead Observed Mount Desert Island High School 24 Apr 2018
American Tree Sparrow Observed Mount Desert Island High School 24 Apr 2018
gull sp. Observed Mount Desert Island High School 21 Apr 2018
Northern Rough-winged Swallow Observed Mount Desert Island High School 21 Apr 2018
American Wigeon Observed Mount Desert Island High School 20 Apr 2018
American Coot Observed Mount Desert Island High School 20 Apr 2018

Recent visits

Checklists submitted within the last hour are not shown.
Observer Date Species
Michael Boardman 26 May 2023 6
Edward Muennich 22 Apr 2023 9
Edward Muennich 20 Apr 2023 8
Edward Muennich 18 Apr 2023 11
Debi Blank 17 Apr 2023 4
Michael J Good 28 Jan 2023 1
Michael J Good 2 Jan 2023 1
Michael J Good 2 Jan 2023 1
Michael J Good 2 Jan 2023 2
Michael J Good 31 Dec 2022 2
More recent visits

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1 Michael J Good
2 Richard MacDonald
3 Daniel McDermott
4 Cindy & Scott Ahern
5 David Orsmond
5 Craig Kesselheim
7 Philip Crosby
8 Don Lima
8 Celeste Lindsey
10 karen heimberg
10 Tom Mast
12 Tova Mellen
12 Katherine Strater
12 Susan Guilford
15 Harold Shaw
15 Todd Brennan
15 Brent Morgan
18 Bruce Cole
18 Alex Lamoreaux
18 Patrick Kark
18 Charlie Todd
18 Nathan Dubrow
18 Lesa Jones
18 Melissa Alexander
25 Andrew E and Rebecca A Steinmann
25 K Shell
25 Kyle Lima
25 Kelly Lima
25 William Helprin
25 Anne Dalton
25 Dotty Doherty
25 Robert Guth
25 Christine Guth
25 Donna Merkel
25 Charles Whitney
25 Marshall Iliff
25 Aidan Cullen
25 James Knittel
25 Theo Staengl
25 Ezra Staengl
25 Galen Staengl
25 Scott Riddell
25 Laurie Yntema
25 Lucy Cheeley
45 Fred Yost
45 Carol Muth
45 Margaret Viens
45 Ken Viens
45 James Johnston
45 Collin Lima
45 Peggy Blair
45 Fen Levy
45 Rachel Holdeman
45 felicia napier
45 Gary Bird
45 Lynn Seippel
45 Seth Benz
45 Anna Buckardt
45 Bill Thomas
45 jian cai
45 Hannah Fortna
45 Daniel Bunker
45 Kipp Lunt
45 Toni Evans
45 Roy Tsao
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