繁殖期の成鳥 © Sharif Uddin eBird S69192426 Macaulay Library ML 237415341
非繁殖期/未成鳥 © Brian Sullivan
非繁殖期/未成鳥 © Collin Stempien
繁殖期の成鳥 © Darren Clark
幼鳥 © dean anderson
+ 3
繁殖期の成鳥 © Luke Seitz
生息環境 © Hannes Leonard

ユキチドリ Anarhynchus nivosus




Small, pale plover with broken collar. In breeding plumage, black ear patch is distinctive. Thin black bill separates from other small plovers at all times of year. Also note relatively long, grayish legs. Typically uncommon. Found on sandy beaches on the coast and inland; usually singly or in small loose flocks. Larger numbers gather at key sites after breeding in summer and fall. Quickly darts around searching for invertebrates in the sand.